212. Quartzgate City's Beasts Stampede



"Arrest him, now!" Aarav shouted at the other guard, who was still in a daze. Aarav then went over to the injured guard and began checking his gunshot wound.

"Ahh... yes!" The guard snapped back to his senses and moved to arrest the unconscious man.

"Phew... it's fine now. You shouldn't move unnecessarily for now. Wait for emergency treatment before trying to move forcefully!" Aarav gave the injured guard basic treatment and warned him.

"Th-thank you, mister!" The guard, overwhelmed by pain and how quickly Aarav had handled the situation, expressed his gratitude.

Other people and guards who had rushed over were also staring at Aarav with questioning looks in their eyes.

They had just witnessed a dramatic scene: one second, a crazy man was pointing a gun at the guards, and the next, he was lying on the floor, unconscious, with a small crater around him.

"It's no problem. I am Aarav Veridian, by the way," Aarav introduced himself. "I already tried to warn others that this
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