217. The Looming Threat



"There, its eyes!" He noticed the glowing amber eyes, identifying them as the only weak point he could see. The beast's hide looked as sturdy as a mountain, offering no obvious vulnerabilities.


Captain Alaric charged forward with everything he had, focusing solely on that part of the beast. He ignored the scratches and claw wounds on his body, even though they bled continuously. He had evaded just in time to avoid being paralyzed by its venom—so far.

"Swish... Swoooh... Chiiichiiii...!" Alaric somehow managed to reach its eyes and plunged his short dagger deep into its pupil. The beast cried out in pain, but then Alaric found himself impaled on its claws, his body filled with venom. Paralysis set in, and he was lost in a dream-like illusion, dying without even realizing it.


The Shadowclaw, hurt in the eyes, became furious. It aggressively pursued the other ants, determined to crush any hope they had of escaping after annoying it.

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