219. Do We Help Ms. Elara



Back to Crystalbrook City,

"How did you even end the vermin of Verdiara City?" Aarav asked as he sat across from Aeliana, with Eina and Astrid beside him.

Phi had gone with Aria to drop her off at the university.

After the previous night's celebration, everyone had let loose, so nobody was sober enough to have a conversation with Aeliana.

After their morning headache tea, Aarav asked her about her experience in Verdiara City, how she cleaned up the city's trash, and what kind of people she met along the way.

"Well... it wasn't so difficult at first because none of them thought someone like me would directly start raiding their hideouts and capturing them. The only difficulty I had was with the last few rats who slipped through my clutches," Aeliana said as she shared her experience with her lord, Astrid, and Eina.

"You had quite the adventurous experience. What are your plans for Crystalbrook City?" Aarav asked, surprised at how she handled the black market in Verdiara
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