225. Sir Galen Quartzblade



She wanted to take them to the healing quarters right away, but when she looked back, she saw their knights being killed like cabbages by the shadows.

"Please... cough... cough... please leave us be and help those knights. Stop the beast. We... cough... cough... can't let it enter the city... cough..." Roland and Liam coughed up blood, but they still reminded Anki of what was more important.

"I... please hold on. I'm sure the Leader will be here soon... please just hold on until then!" Anki said, trying to convince herself. But Liam and Roland gestured for her to go and do what was necessary.

With a heavy heart, Anki nodded, her eyes filled with determination. She knew she had to protect the city and the knights, no matter the cost.

"Please hold on... I will do my best to stop this beast until I have even one breath left!" She muttered as she turned and charged back into the fray, her rapier flashing as she fought with a heart filled with rage.

Her knights, inspired by h
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