240. The Bleak Future of Starcrest



The air was thick with the sharp smell of burning energy, and a dense cloud of dust and smoke rose from the large crater where the dark ball had exploded. Debris rained down around him, clattering noisily to the ground.

"Whoosh... Bam...!!"

Isolde Moonshroud and her men lay scattered across the battlefield, some groaning in pain, others completely still. The ground beneath them was scarred and cracked, showing the immense power that had just been unleashed.

Aarav's Blade of Light still shimmered with an ethereal glow, though it had dimmed slightly after the intense clash.

Aarav looked over at Isolde, who was struggling to push herself up from the ground. Her face was pale, and her eyes were wide with shock and fear.

The confidence and anger she had shown earlier were gone, replaced by a look of helplessness.

"Is this the extent of the Moonshroud Family's power?" Aarav asked, his voice cold and mocking. "I expected more."

Isolde's hands trembled as she tried to summon m
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