242. Thaddeus vs Celestius



"Yes, now they won't be able to escape unless they strike the barrier with double the force needed to break it!" Thaddeus Lumara said with a smug smile, pride evident in his tone.

"Good. Let's tighten the noose," Rajendra Chauhan said, his eyes narrowing as he watched the chaos unfold. "We can't let any of them escape."

Thaddeus Lumara nodded, signaling his men to advance. The barrier shimmered faintly, slowly closing in on the Starcrest Family grounds.

The Holy Knights, emboldened by the barrier's protection, pressed their attack harder.

Inside the Starcrest grounds, the Starcrest men were struggling. Despite their fierce resistance, they were being overwhelmed.

"Vice Head, we're surrounded!" one of his men shouted, desperation in his voice.

"We have no choice but to hold our ground!" Malik barked back, refusing to show any fear. "Keep fighting! Reinforcements will come!"

But deep down, Malik knew the situation was dire. The Starcrest grounds were their last refuge, and
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