266. Attack of The Cultists on Amberdale



The robed man remained silent despite being bound and stared down by the veteran. His eyes clearly showed that he had no intention of speaking to them; rather, he looked down on them, daring them to make him talk if they could.

"You're really brave, aren't you? Even after being bound, you have the audacity to look down on us. Hey, buddies, let's open this guy's skull. No need to hold back!" The old man sighed, gesturing to his companions and speaking in an unrestrained, angry tone, his temple twitching.


They began to chant softly, invoking ancient techniques to loosen the man's tongue by messing with his brain signals, making him experience pain worse than childbirth.

Vines tightened around the man's limbs, and a heavy, insistent pressure began to build in his mind from the torture, urging him to speak.

Back in the church,

Archbishop Deniel continued his sermon, speaking of hope and resilience. "We are the guardians of Amberdale, protectors of the sacred balance b
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