275. Aarav Arrived at the Amberdale



As Isolde and her team descended towards Amberdale, the sight below was grim and foreboding.

The once serene landscape was now shrouded in smoke and chaos. Fires raged in scattered patches across the city, casting an eerie glow against the night sky.

The buildings that once stood, made from mud and stone, were now reduced to rubble, some still smoldering with embers.

"This is bad. Everyone, get ready. Use the defensive half-Divine tool we prepared for this occasion and jump down in groups of five. Keep me updated on your situation. Understood?" Isolde Moonshroud looked at the city, realizing they had underestimated the damage done by the foreign enemies.

She shouted towards the 60 people, including herself, instructing them on what to do after jumping down, as the plane wouldn't be landing anywhere in the forest.

Amberdale didn't have a completely open sky. A large tree in the middle of the city, with its vines wrapped around the city walls, cast shadows over the area.
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