278. Topaz Summit City



"Rise, both of you," Aarav said gently. "There is no need for punishment. The past cannot be changed, but we can ensure a better future. You did what you could under the circumstances, and now we must focus on rebuilding and healing."

Archbishop Deniel and Elder Thistlewood hesitated for a moment before rising to their feet. Relief washed over their faces, though guilt lingered in their eyes.

"You have served Amberdale faithfully," Aarav continued. "Now, I need your help to restore hope and order to our people. They need leaders who can guide them through these dark times."

"Yes, my Lord," Archbishop Deniel replied, his voice filled with renewed determination. "We will do everything in our power to aid in the recovery."

Elder Thistlewood nodded in agreement. "We will not let you down again, my Lord."

Aarav gave them a reassuring smile. "I know you won't. Now, let's work together to bring light back to Amberdale. But before that, let me heal you. You look battered and bru
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