287. Plaguebringers on the Move



"Let them in. They're here on official business," the senior officer commanded, handing Bella and Reena a written authorization.

The guard's smirk vanished instantly. "Yes, sir," he mumbled, stepping aside, keeping his head low and trembling under the cold gaze of the senior officer.

Bella and Reena hurried into the surveillance room. The senior officer led them to a technician. "Can you show us the footage from the crossroad around the time...yes, right there where the car was abandoned?" Bella asked as she pointed to the time and place.

The technician nodded and quickly pulled up the relevant footage. They watched anxiously as the screen showed Elara's car coming to a sudden stop at the crossroad because of a cargo truck right in front of her.

Moments later, Elara stepped out, talking on her phone. Suddenly, a black luxury car pulled up right beside her, and a hand grabbed her before pulling her into the car. Right after that, the signal turned green, and the luxury ca
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