292. Aarav Mad Pursuit



Back in the Verdiara City,

The quiet night was shattered by the roar of racing cars and the crack of gunfire on the highway.

"Vrooom... Vrooom...!"

"Bang... Bang...!"


Black cars and a sports car raced down the highway, weaving through civilian vehicles. The gunfire sent civilians scrambling to the side of the road, ducking down in fear.

"Damn it... How did that bastard know our location?" In one of the middle black cars, Elara Rossi sat with her hands tied. Her eyes were blank, as if her mind had broken.

Beside her was a man with a grotesque, twisted face, as if it had been broken and poorly reset many times. Another man sat nearby, lean but no less intimidating. His gaunt face and sunken eyes gave him a skeletal appearance. His long, bony hands rested on the handles of twin daggers on his lap.

These two were Elara Rossi’s kidnappers, fleeing from a madman who had killed dozens of their men after discovering their location.

"Leader, we have no idea how our
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