295. Last Stand of Ivorygate Defenders



The guards nodded and quickly set out to follow his orders. Amar watched them leave, feeling the weight of the coming battle in his heart. He couldn't let his fear show.

Within minutes, Mordan returned with the fighters and a small chest of divine tools. The tools glowed with a faint, otherworldly light, offering a glimmer of hope in the looming darkness.

"We're ready, City Leader," Mordan said, his voice steady despite the tension in the air.

Amar nodded and addressed the gathered fighters. "Today, we face a great darkness. But we are the light that will push it back. We may be few, but we are strong. Fight with honor, fight with courage, and know that we fight for our home, for our people."

The fighters gripped their weapons tightly, their eyes reflecting the same determination that burned in Amar's heart.

As the cultists approached, the first wave of attackers burst from the trees, their bloodlust evident. The defenders braced themselves, their nerves taut.

"For Ivory
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