Begin preparations

Joseph was taken aback, he never expected that one so majestic would ever kneel to him. He felt that it should be the other way around, nevertheless he understood that she was his companion and that there was a certain level of respect that was required between King and subject. Still he couldn't bare to see her like this so he quickly helped her stand and smiled at her.

"My Queen," he began and then froze as he noticed the slight blush that had sprouted on Liza's face.

"I didn't...I wasn't...Oh crap!" He shouted as his face flushed instantly red. He felt so embarrassed that he wished the earth would open up and swallow him so he could hide from her. "This is not the first impression I wanted to make!" He cried inwardly, "Now she probably thinks im some kind of simp or something!"

As he was berating himself mentaly Liza was enjoying the changing expressions on her lords face. "He seems quite the character." She mused to herself, "I dont mind that though, just means things will never be boring." She smiled at him and said, "You may call me what you wish my King, I do not mind at all."

Her smile caught him off guard by how sweet and lovely it was. It felt like spring time had come early to brighten his day and warm his heart. He shook his head forcefully to dispell his wayward thoughts, "Come on Joe! get it together, we cant fall in love on the first day!" 

Liza just chuckled at his antics and waited for him to collect himself. She was here to serve him, and she would do her utmost in any way he needed her. She of course had her own feelings about things but she wasn't averse to future relationships with him. She found him kind of funny, and her bloodline seemed very attracted to him which was a first for her. "Perhaps one day," she thought. But right now they had bigger priorities.

After a few moments of collecting himself Joseph was able to look Liza in the eye without blushing, mostly, and he began to ask her about herself so he could better understand who she was and how exactly she could help.

"Liza, if I may, would you please share your status with me? I would like to know exactly what your strengths are so we can plan better for the future." While this resoning sounded good he couldnt help the small quiver that appeared in his voice as he asked for her information. "Come on man, its neccessary for the future of the kingdom, you are NOT just peeping at her!" 

Liza again just chuckled at his antics, shaking her head slightly she couldn't help but tease him a little by saying, "I don't mind you looking at me, you can peak anytime you want to. (wink)" Joseph about had a heart attack, his breath caught and he just stared at her dumbly, mouth hanging open, entirely unable to process what he just heard.

Liza couldn't help herself, she immediately began laughing at him, clutching her sides as she struggled to regain her composure. It got even worse as Josephs face flushed so red he looked like an angry tomato, she lost it at this point and started rolling on the ground laughing. Joseph was beyond embarrassed and couldn't help but pray more fervently for him to dissapear and save him from this situation.

Knowing that she wasn't going to stop laughing any time soon he decided to look at her status instead and wait for her laughing fit to be done with. "I'll get her back for this later." He said to himself as he pulled up her status screen.


Name: Liza Sanguis

Title: The Blood Queen

Lvl 1: 0/100exp

Grade: F (Note: All beings begin at the bottom and through trials gain the strength to break their shackles and evolve. The initial grade of any being denotes only that beings potential. A SSS grade being has SSS grade potential, but is still required to gain that power through their own efforts.)

Race: Blood Angel (Note: one of the strongest of the angel races, they are the direct creation of the Angel of Wrath and Blood who is said to be the father of the Vampire and Blood Angel race. He is also known as the god of Blood, the first and greatest of the Blood Angels.)

Bloodline: First Queen of Blood (Note: grade not high enough to see this information)

Physique: Archangel of Blood (Note: grade not high enough to see this information)

Class: Blood Monarch

Str: 15 (Note: the average strength of a lvl 1 being is 1)

Dex: 15 (Note: the average Dexterity of a lvl 1 being is 1)

Spr: 20 (Note: the average Spirit of a lvl 1 being is 1)

Mana: 200/200

Active skills: Angels Fury, Blood sword, True Form.

Passive skills: Sharp mind, Strong body, Regeneration, Bloodthirst.

(Angels Fury) Grade-F: Release a concentrated beam of holy blood energy from your finger towards any target within 30 feet. Dealing 150% holy/blood damage and causing the target to bleed for 1% total HP/sec for 5 seconds. Stackable up to 3 times.

Cost: 100 mana

Cast time: 2 seconds

Cooldown: 5 minutes

(Blood sword) Grade-F: Conjure a sword from your own blood, increasing its power and molding it to your desired shape. Attack and durability increase with grade.

Attk: 30 (base damage before calculating additions from skills, str, or deductions from resistances, or defense.)

Dur: 150 (base structural integrity, when this value reaches 0 the sword will break)

Hardness: 40 (base resistance to damage, must exceed this value to reduce durability)

(True Form) Grade-F: Assume your true form as a Blood Angel. All stats +300% Infinite energy for the duration. Damage reduction +30%, cooldown of angels fury is set to 0 for the duration. 

Activation cost: 5% total hp

Duration: 1 minute

Cooldown: 1 Day

(Sharp mind) Grade-F: You are able to quickly learn and adapt to any situation. Your intelligence allows you to solve any problem quickly and efficiently. All mental activities cost 50% less resources and are boosted by 25%. Immune to mental manipulations within your grade.

(Strong body) Grade-F: Your body is the peak of physical fitness, All physical activities cost 50% less resources and are boosted by 25%. Immune to physical disease and fatigue effects within your grade.

(Regeneration) Grade-F: Your body quickly repairs itself, capable of growing back minor extremities, HP regeneration increased by 20% Stamina costs reduced by 25%

(Bloodthirst) Grade-F: Your body runs on the vitality it consumes from blood, you must consume a sufficient amount of blood per specified time period to maintain optimal physical/mental activity. This duration is longer the Higher grade you are eventually you may not need blood at all.

Current duration: 1 pint/ 3 Days

Note: A truly powerful Angel, one of the first created by the god of Blood. Fiercely loyal she is devoted to the one she calls her master. While she can be playful, she is dutiful first and foremost. Accomplishing whatever task given her to the best of her abilities. She will accept nothing of herself but the best, and will give all of herself to the one she loves.'

By the time Joseph finished reading her status page he was truly at a loss for words. The most surprising parts of her status were not her abnormal stats, or even her stupidly OP skills. The thing that shocked him the most is the referances made betwixed her and his bloodline. A crazy idea had begun to form in his mind but the implications of it were so far beyond what he expected he was almost scared to look. 

Deciding to put it off until he had more time to deal with that kind of heavy backstory conversation, he focused on getting his territory set up. He didn't know when the first trial would start but he didn't want to be caught with his pants down when it did.

Shaking his thoughts away he extended his hand towards Liza to help her up, once she was standing he began walking towards the gate he had previously summoned with Liza falling in step beside and slightly behind him. She understood her place as Josephs subbordinate for now. While he may have called her his queen she wasn't in truth, at least not yet.

Arriving before the gate he marveled at its beauty for a moment before turning to the summoning options available to him.

'Angel Blood Vampire summoning nexus- Grade S: Summons a group of 7-12 through the gate once per 2/days. There is a chance of summoning particularly strong/talented individuals, this chance increases the more times you activate the gate without recieving one such individual.

Remaining chances: 1

Would you like to activate the gate?'

Joseph was slightly dissapointed at the rate of summoning, "Gonna take a bit longer than I would like to fill my population quota, but I guess I can't have it to easy right?" If anyone heard his thoughts they would probaly want to slap him to death. "What do you mean too easy!? Do you even know what you have?! Those things are wasted on you!!" Truth be told he didn't really know what he had. The exact status of other's kingdoms is not public knowledge, this was done to prevent the devils from getting the information and putting mankind at an even bigger disadvantage. If he was able to see others information he would know just how ridiculous his start was. Alas comparisons are odious, and Joseph didn't spare another thought about it.

"Summon them now please."


'Request acknowledged, activating summoning nexus.'

The portal than began swirling faster as it gathered energy to itself. The scarlet swirl expanded until it coverd the entire open space within the arch. Once it did a loud thrumb sound echoed around him as the portal stopped moving and just sat there like smooth ruby colored glass. A moment later cracking sounds were heard as the portal began to break apart starting in the center and going verticaly accross the portal. Once it reached the top and bottom it split apart with a loud CRRRAAAKK! revealing 10 individuals who calmly walked forward out of the gate and knelt before Joseph.

"Greetings Lord!" They all cried in unison kneeling before him, right hands over their hearts in some kind of pleadge pose. He looked at each of them trying to find words to describe what he was feeling. He was overwhelmed with a sense of completeness and joy, like his long lost brothers and sisters had finally made their way home. He smiled brightly at them and opened his arms in welcome as he said, "My brothers and sisters, please rise. You are home!" 

Bright smiles bloomed upon each of there faces as they rose and greeted him. The pervailing feeling was that of a long overdue family reunion, and while Joseph would love to just bask in this new feeling he knew he had to get things rolling, otherwise all this might be taken from him before he could even start.

Calming himself down he took a good look at his new people. There were 10 of them, 7 Men, 3 Women all of whom looked to be at the peak of physical fitness. The men were handsome and tall, with strong bodies filled with compact muscles. Bright black hair and scarlet eyes, with a set of six sharp teeth among the other normal ones. Four on top and two on the bottom, very much like the predators he expected them to be.

The women were beautiful, with full, soft bodies capable of igniting the blood of any man who saw them. Their bright red hair fell gracefully down their backs and their beautiful ruby colored eyes betrayed a sense of predetory instinct as well as charm, like a fox who seduces their mates before feasting. Their smiles were full of sudductive intent, while their set of sharp teeth seemed to only add to their violent alure, beckoning one to come closer just to see if the pleasure was worth the pain.

Joseph was tremendously satisfied with what he saw, he hadn't checked each of their status windows yet as he had a lot of other things to do. But he could feel a sense of power coming off of them and knew that they were better than any other kingdoms population that he's ever heard of. He wouldn't need to worry about them as their capabilities were so far ahead it would be hard for him to fail, unless of course he became a lazy idiot, which he would never allow.

Nodding to them he said,"I wish I had more time to get to know each of you individually, however we are pressed at the moment. The devils could attack at any moment and I need your help to secure ourselves before that happens. Please lend me your aid and I promise I will not mistreat you." All 10 of the new recruits knelt down once again placing their hands above their hearts and said,"Our king, fear not, we are yours through life and beyond. Command us and see it fulfilled."

Joseph was supreamly satisfied and raised them up again saying, "My friends, your words bring me joy, thank you for your love and devotion. For now your orders are to assist Liza in any way she see's fit. She is second only to me and you will obey her orders as if they were my own."

"Yes Lord!" They responded instantly, without a shred of hesitation. Joseph turned to Liza who had a shocked look upon her face and said, "I need you to help me build a kingdom that will last 10,000 years. I want to be free to love and to laugh without fear of losing those close to me, I want to become strong enough to protect what is mine, but most of all...I want to destroy the Devils, and purge them from off of my world. For this is my duty, and my calling. Will you follow me, and aid me in this great cause?"

Liza was stunned, along with the 10 who had just arrived. It was such a grand vision, filled with hope and determination. Such a goal was truly worthy of their king, for he alone was fit to rule this world, and all others would either bend the knee, or meet the sword.

Her heart swelling with pride and determination Liza knelt once again, bowing before Joseph with her hand on her heart, smiling bright as noon day sun. "Yes my King," a small tear could be seen quietly sliding down her perfect ivory cheek, "We are yours my Lord, until the end doth come."

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