Heir To The Dragon Empire
Heir To The Dragon Empire
Author: Suczy
Chapter 1

"Brandon, you'll be in charge of the third VIP room; we are having some important guests tonight, and we can't afford to treat them sloppily," Aaron, the manager of the White Gold club, instructed as he glanced at the young man, with curly brunette hair and a pair of hazel eyes, standing by the door, dressed in a neatly ironed white and black uniform.

Brandon frowned at the manager's instructions, and he opened his mouth, wanting to refute them, when Aaron lifted his hand to stop him. "I know what you want to say, but I'm afraid I can't change it this time," Aaron voiced with a shake of his head.

"The guest specifically asked that you be the one to serve them tonight. I tried asking why since you don't attend to VIP guests, but they insisted. They also promised a huge payment and lots of tips for you," Aaron explained.

"Are you sure they aren't up to something illegal? You know how fussy those VIP guests are, and that's why you never allowed me to serve them. Aren't you confused as to why they chose me over all the other servers in the club?" Brandon asked in confusion, and Aaron sighed heavily.

"I am confused, and I'm a little skeptical, especially because of the guest you'll be serving tonight. His reputation is known to be that of a spoiled and degenerated rich young master. I'm sure he has something up his sleeves by asking you of all people to serve him," Aaron explained, and Brandon's brows creased deeper.

"Are you talking about the famous young Master Dean?"

"Yes, you'll be serving him and his friends tonight. I heard he is bringing his new girl around, and he wants to impress her, so you have to be on your best behavior," Aaron instructed, and Brandon groaned in response.

"I'm sorry, I'm really unable to help you out this time. I am not bold enough to go against such an unreasonable young master. On the bright side, didn't you say you needed money to get your wife something for her birthday and your anniversary?" Aaron asked, and Brandon nodded. "This is an opportunity for you as long as you do it well, you'll get huge payment,"

"I get it. Thank you. You've really done too much for me already, asking more will be me overstepping. What time will they be arriving tonight?" Brandon asked as Aaron checked his time, and with an alarmed expression, he shot out of the chair.

"They should be here already; I'll welcome them while you get ready to serve them," he said, and he began walking out of the small office.

Brandon took a deep breath, trying to calm his tensed nerves. He had been working in the White Gold Club for the past six months after he lost his last job and since then he had successfully avoided serving any rich and influential guests, for one reason.

It is to help his wife have a safe face.

Brandon Arnis had been known as the luckiest male during his time on campus for being able to make the most beautiful woman, Cassandra Wellton, a lady from one of the prominent families in the country, fall in love with him.

His luck seemed to have escalated when she agreed to marry him against her family's wishes. But the luck didn't last much longer; a year after their marriage, Cassandra began to distance herself from him.

She hated being seen in public places with him.

She began to want more, despite knowing their financial situation.

And due to his love for her and the guilt he felt for her, he always agreed to her wishes; never appearing in front of other rich guests was one of them.

It was their third year of marriage, and except for her family, no one else knew about their marriage.

He had no family of his own after losing his mom to cancer during his final year exams in high school.

Brandon walked into the employee's restroom and adjusted his clothes and hair while staring at the mirror.

For some weird reasons, his nerves have been out of shape since he began his shift tonight. It was like they were warning him that something bad would happen.

Seeing who he was going to be serving, he could already imagine how exhausting the night would be.

After making sure not a hair was out of place, Brandon made his way out of the restroom and towards the third VIP room on the second floor.

As he was about to push the door open, Aaron walked out, grinning from ear to ear. His face brightened up even further as he noticed Brandon by the door. "You'll be getting so many tips tonight! Almost all the young masters in Dean's circle are present. I'm wishing I was the one who would be serving them; alas, I'm just the manager," he chuckled, patting Brandon's shoulder as he began to slowly walk away.

Brandon swallowed the lump in his throat and took a deep breath before nodding at Aaron. "Come on, don't be nervous; they won't bite; besides, I'm sure there won't be any of those rough plays of theirs tonight; he's really looking to impress his new girl," Aaron encouraged, seeing Brandon's nervous state.

Brandon silently scolded himself, hating how he, a 25-year-old man, was behaving like a high school kid, asking his crush out.

He had not even been this nervous when he was asking his wife to marry him. With a self-deprecating smile, he pushed the door open, and his ears immediately got assaulted by the loud music playing through the speakers.

"How are they not all deaf yet?" He mumbled to himself as he walked deeper into the two-phase VIP room. As he arrived at the main room, his eyes scanned through the guests, trying to look for the main guest of the night.

But as his eyes roamed through the crowd, it stopped as it landed on the overly familiar, curvy blonde lady, sitting at the head of the chair while leaning on a man's shoulder.

Not trusting what he was seeing, Brandon closed his eyes, reopened them, and closed them several more times. By now, the music had already come to a stop, and the man holding the woman was on his feet with a broad smile on his lips while looking down at her dotingly.

"What do you think, babe? Do you like the pre-birthday present I prepared for you?"

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