Chapter 165: We'll set the place on fire!

"My name is Mr. Blaq," the stranger said, his accent subtly hinting at his Indian heritage. Priscilla tried to place the name, but it eluded her. She thought she had probably seen him somewhere before but every effort to recall where or when proved futile.

"Who's there?" Raphael called out, noticing Priscilla hadn't returned. He approached to see who was at the door.

"Mr. Blaq!" Raphael exclaimed, recognizing the man immediately.

Priscilla was taken aback that Raphael knew this mysterious figure while she had no clue.

"Come in," Raphael invited, gesturing for Mr. Blaq to enter.

"When did you arrive from India?" Raphael asked.

"I got in just last night," Mr. Blaq replied.

"How was your flight?" Raphael inquired.

"It was fine. The boss sends his greetings," Mr. Blaq said, settling into the conversation.

Priscilla couldn't help but wonder what her husband was up to again. In all their schemes, never had he mentioned the name 'Mr Blaq' and then he shows up all of a sudden from nowhere.

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