(5th month of the year)
"I'm going to pass on the test results now " said the teacher with her hands full of papers " I don't even need to say how disappointing you were.
The teacher passed the tests to the students sitting in their seats, with each sheet handed out some sighed with relief, others cried, Murvo in her place prayed in silence for the result, when the sheet was deposited on her desk she was afraid to look, but when he opened his eyes to check the result and had a pleasant surprise.
"I got 10!! "She celebrated almost crying.
"Yes, a miracle considering your previous grade " said the teacher who was still nearby.
"But that test was impossible " she said " and it was still worth two notes, it was too much pressure!
The Zod attack messed up the entire school schedule, the teachers took more than a week to recover, and Androuet was still incapacitated for a whole month, in view of this reality it was necessary to cancel the first test of the year, which takes place at the end of the 1st month.
But because of that, the test that took place in the 3rd month had a weight of two grades, that extra pressure along with the difficulty made many students have bad grades, if they didn't recover in the next few they could say goodbye to graduation.
"Those who got a bad grade have a rope around their necks, remember that you need at least 6 approvals during the year to move on " warned the teacher " you can recover the bad grades with additional work, it's good that you work hard in that.
The teacher wrote suggestions for additional work on the blackboard, Murvo, seeing the themes, was very happy that she wasn't in so much trouble now, even so, she took notes and would decide later if she was going to do them.
When the teacher released everyone, she gathered her study material and put it in her backpack, when she was leaving the room, she was surrounded by 4 girls.
"What black magic did you use to take 10? " asked one of them in a mocking tone.
"Get out of the way, I have things to do " replied Murvo trying to pass.
One of them held Murvo's arm, who was irritated by this, raising her hand and pointing her finger at her, a black flame appeared on the tip of her finger, it was an extremely simple magic but that in the eyes of those who feared black magic meant death, in an instant all 4 retreated trembling in fear of the black mage.
""It worked! Just like Miss Onyx said!” "She celebrated inside leaving soon.
Occasionally she went to the dungeon with Derek, when she happened to comment that she was being bullied it ended up making Onyx angry, the archdemon did not like that black magic was underestimated and ridiculed, so she taught Murvo a simple trick, to use the same system to write the arcane symbols but with corrupted Mana.
After leaving the classroom she ran to a certain floor, it was where the 5th year students had their classes, she was anxious to tell Derek and the others about the result, after all they were the ones who helped her study for her exam. universal magic*, with their expectation she wanted to quickly respond.
"Hello little Murvo, I like your name, you know? " said Urick who approached her cordially " girls named after flowers are as beautiful as they are.
He made a gesture with his hand and a Murvo flower appeared between his fingers, he handed it to the girl who was completely enchanted, nearby some 5th grade girls were dying of envy of her for having Urick's attention.
"Have you thought about using inspiration magic as your secondary magic? asked Urick.
"I... I don't think I'm qualified for this "she said "and I heard that the magic of corrupted inspiration is horrible.
"Oh yes, there's that too, but don't be discouraged " he said " a beautiful flower like you can bloom in any situation.
At that moment a boy called Urick who quickly answered, the two were talking so animatedly that Murvo decided not to interrupt them, she continued walking on that floor looking at some rooms, on the way a door flew out and something went through it.
Murvo almost had a panic attack when he saw a blue haired boy fighting a creature, a being that was a lion with bat wings and a scorpion tail, the blue haired boy summoned an incredible weapon and killed the creature making it disappeared, even wounded he got up as if nothing had happened and returned to the room.
Inside the room Murvo saw several injured students, tables and chairs destroyed and some other smaller creatures attacking, in the middle of that mess a teacher invoked another incredible creature to solve the problem.
"Thanks for the help Angelo, and with that all of you must have learned the danger of summoning magic " she explained " never invoke something more powerful than yourself, the difference between the levels will increase the difficulty in controlling the creature.
"After what Mr. Androuet invoked I thought I could " said a wounded and embarrassed student " isn't that magic that invoked several celestials very powerful?
"Yes, the Guardinais legion is a 9th level spell " explained Thalia " Lord Androuet is the only living wizard able to use it without losing control over them, such is his mastery of dimensional magic.
Murvo found that class very crazy and quickly left the door, she wanted to talk to Ashera but her class is outside, she was grateful to Isott for advising her but she was afraid of her, so she also avoided her class, so she arrived at the room where the white magic class had classes.
The place had a certain peace that she couldn't quite describe, but she could tell that the lighting of this place was the exact opposite of the darkness of the dungeon, the room that didn't even have 15 students seemed quite vast compared to the other quite crowded ones.
"Oh Murvo, did you come to pay a visit? asked Professor Heacabel when he saw her.
"sorry for disturbing "she replied all shy.
"Don't worry, the class was already ending " he replied " guys, some of you still don't know her, but she is the 2nd black magician of the academy.
Students who hadn't spoken to her yet greeted her, it was amazing how this generation of students could get along with those who were once their enemies, and with that Merilda was more and more confident that she could end the war between the two. sides.
"Guys, I hope you haven't forgotten the test that we are going to carry out worth a note " explained Heacabel " those who are not convinced please don't show up, the consequences can be very bad and even deadly.
The tension in the room rose dramatically, all 12 students seemed nervous with the test that Professor Heacabel was talking about, when he left the room the students began to discuss among themselves whether or not they were going to take the test, Merilda seeing Murvo at the door called her to talk.
"Do you know about the test we are going to do? Merilda asked.
"No, but everyone seems scared " she said looking at the atmosphere in the room.
"Our next test is a test against black magic " explained Merilda " tonight we're going to the dungeon and Onyx will use her black magic on us.
Murvo heard scared about this, the dark magic of an archdemon was very powerful, the students would need to withstand the power of her magic or they would be corrupted, and the effects of corruption were more severe on white magicians, being Onyx's magic she could even kill them.
"Let's be fine, the [protection against corruption] that we learned works regardless of the source of black magic " explained Peter " even if Onyx is an archdemon, it's enough that we remain firm.
"It's easy for you to say, you're a year ahead of us " complained one of them " you're sure you'll hold out, we...
"Hey Murvo, can you help us practice? asked one of them.
"I!? But my black magic... I mean... I don't know if I'll be useful "she said fearfully "compared to Onyx...
"Don't ask her that, the corruption magic is 4th level " said Merilda " the Derek explained it yesterday, didn't he?
Derek helped the class with the practical test of magic, he conjured corruption on each of them so that they defended themselves with his white magic, in the end everyone managed to pass unharmed, but Professor Heacabel revealed that this was training for the real test .
"I also have a practice test today with Onyx " said Murvo.
"With her? Isn't the Derek running your tests? Merilda asked.
"No, he only teaches me, but Mr. Androuet said that those who apply the tests are the teachers " she explained " Miss Onyx is very cruel to me… she gets angry because I'm not attending classes with her.
"hahahaha hang in there, I have a feeling that after today she'll be in a good mood " Merilda said.
"Are you really going to take this test? Your grades are perfect, you could leave it aside " commented one of them " I'm sure Onyx will do everything to break us up.
"Oh no, she's not like that, for her everything is a game " explained Merilda " she'll be very happy if she can corrupt us, but if we play right with her everything will be fine.
"You're pretty familiar with that, aren't you? " said one of the girls " be careful not to be corrupted.
Merilda gave a dull smile at that, she hadn't told anyone in the class what happened 2 years ago, when Mina cursed her and almost took her life, when asked about the girl's disappearance Professor Heacabel replied that she was involved in a crime and was arrested, it shocked everyone but somehow they seemed to know that she was capable of this.
"Well Murvo, you can help us in another way " said Peter " the spells conjured by a black mage are already corrupted, aren't they? You can cast basic spells on us, and our shield must block.
"Ok, I'll help however I can " she said, happy to be useful.
The gang then conjured the protection magic, if it was working right, Murvo's magic wouldn't even scratch them, and with that they could practice a little more, and Murvo was perfecting his basic magic.
"This month's test for white magic students, didn't you exaggerate? " Falma asked worriedly " facing Onyx...
"I am aware of the risks, but they need to have real experience against powerful dark magic " explained Androuet " the big invasion is coming, this is the last group we will manage to form before the fateful day.
Androuet's concern was to generate skilled mages to deal with the great invasion, when this terrible day arrived the kingdom would be devastated by the demons, the mages of light are the greatest force against them, it was important that more and more of them could face the power of darkness.
"If until the day of the great invasion a single one of them reaches level 9 it will be a blessing " said Androuet " only those who faced the demons can reach such a level so quickly.
"You're asking too much, even you took 20 years to reach the maximum potential of dimensional magic " Falma said " what you're asking is that they do the same thing in half the time.
"It's an unreasonable expectation, I know that " he confessed " but I have the hope that this generation will change everything.
Androuet got up and started to walk around his office, his left arm that was regenerated still hurt, a result of having a new limb growing in the place of the lost one, his health had deteriorated a little because of the need to cure him of mortal wounds, so Androuet felt he would not live another decade.
"100 years... it would be amazing to celebrate such an anniversary " he said with an air of nostalgia.
"The longevity of mages is proportional to their power, I'm sure you...
"If I leave without regrets it will have been a very good life "he said "and I can leave without regrets if I know that the future will be safe.
After digressing about the future Androuet observed the present on the crystal screen, in the room of the creation magic course the students studied magical materials, he remembered very well when he studied this matter and how difficult it was to manipulate certain metals, including one that had a recent sample.
"We analyzed the splinters of Zod's armor, it was made of bradiun " he revealed " that cursed demon, he doesn't use magic to protect himself from it.
Bradiun was a very rare mineral, its main characteristic was its hardness three times greater than steel and its resistance to magic, a mage needed to use 10 times more force to affect bradiun as it would affect other metals, due to this a bradiun armor would protect completely its wearer, but would make it virtually impossible to cast spells while wearing it.
"That's why Gideon's secret magic couldn't eliminate him " said Falma " even if he was an archdemon he couldn't survive such powerful light magic.
"Fortunately it was enough to destroy it, and so I could send him to the dimensional vacuum " said Androuet " I hope he stays there forever, but that bastard is able to come back soon.
But Androuet's current concern was another, Onyx hinted that someone manipulated Zod into attacking the academy, Androuet couldn't think of anyone who could or wanted to do that, but he felt that someone extremely evil was behind it, and that this being would not simply give up.
"Oh look, it looks like Bemec finished his exams too " said Androuet observing the natural magic class.
It was a test that took the whole day, in a field test the students had to study and restore the ecological balance of a forest, they needed to say everything the place needed to restore itself and so in practice, everyone's grade would be collective and therefore teamwork was the most important.
As soon as the test was completed Androuet opened the portal, and for him all the students together with the teacher arrived at the academy, after spending a whole day in a forest what they wanted most was to eat, shower and sleep, the grades could wait .
The tests of the month continued throughout the academy, in the battle arena the students were divided into teams of 10 and needed to defeat as many rival teams as possible, for that in the arena several obstacles and traps were set up, the students needed to know how to use magic in that environment.
In the course of mental magic, students took a written test and everyone had a jewel glued to their forehead, this jewel created a mental link between them, the objective of the test was to answer all questions correctly, stealing information from each other's minds, this meant that to succeed, students needed to steal answers from the minds of others while protecting their own answers.
"You know, this is very dangerous, some smart guy can take the opportunity to invade the privacy of others " commented Falma who understood this magic " mental magic is the one that presents the most taboos in society, after black magic of course.
"Well, creation magicians are accused of creating forgeries, when you can change the properties of things it is tempting to use it for profit " he explained " we have magic ethics classes precisely for that, students need to discern between right and wrong whatever what magic to use.
Androuet continued to observe the tests, by tomorrow all classes would have finished and received their grades, the next day would be the day off for the month, luckily everything was back to normal.
"Now we just need the most important test " he said, looking forward to the joint test between light and darkness.
"Her... Miss Onyx, I don't think it will! " said Murvo, nervous about the situation.
"How can you not? Is your little teacher here not teaching you properly? Onyx asked sarcastically.
"It's not that, it's just that there's no light here " she replied " so I can't manipulate a shadow.
"Oh, that… " she was a bit embarrassed by that.
Onyx removed the supernatural darkness that dominated the dungeon, with that Napilla took the torches and lit all that were on the pillars, thanks to which many shadows were formed throughout the dungeon.
"When it was me, I had to go down the hall," Derek said, glaring at Onyx.
"I didn't like you before, so screw it " she replied " now stop bothering me with details.
Murvo conjured the taught magic and concentrated, the goal was to make her shadow move differently, with a lot of effort on her part and expectation on the part of the Derek something happened, Murvo's shadow pointed in a different direction than herself was pointing, and with that the young woman smiled, pleased with the result.
"I said I was teaching right, I won the bet "he said extending his hand towards Onyx.
"Smug little worm," Onyx complained, depositing some gold coins in his hand.
"Were you betting? asked Murvo indignantly.
"Don't bother with details now " said Derek, interrupting the conversation " the important thing is that you got it.
"But what is this magic for? Murvo asked.
"I don't know, it's always possible to find a use," Onyx replied, "but it's important because it serves as a prerequisite for better magic."
She conjured the magic that created her shadow, after she gained an artificial body to leave the dungeon she didn't even need it anymore, the shadow that had its exact form made of darkness could touch objects but was practically harmless, especially when interacting with other beings alive.
"With that you were approved in black magic, and with your note in universal magic you are doing very well " praised Derek.
"And you already took your test? she questioned.
"Not yet, I'm waiting for our visits " he replied getting a little more serious.
It didn't take long until Napilla felt the arrival of visitors, she ran out and soon after came back bringing the magicians of light, teacher Heacabel came in accompanied by 10 students, among them Merilda and Ashiok, most of them seeing Onyx for the first time.
"Thanks for having us," said Professor Heacabel politely.
"Looks like two jumped out," Onyx commented, remembering how many should have come.
"Yes, I will give them another test, more complicated of course " said Heacabel a little embarrassed " these were the ones who had the courage to come.
"I think I can at least congratulate you for that " said Onyx " what do you think of my domains?
The students were kind of impressed by her appearance, they knew that succubi could be beautiful, but their imagination didn't do justice to Onyx's charms, even girls couldn't help but be enchanted by her.
"Well, I think we can start the practical test " Heacabel said after clearing his throat " I want to see your best performance with the [sacred aura] your lives can depend on it.
Risking their lives in a test, was something that until today many of them did not accept, but even so they understood that it was a necessary effort for the future, because in life out there they could not say that they would never risk their lives.
They started to cast their magic, and shortly after, everyone was enveloped in a golden aura all over their bodies, the gathering of everyone's magic managed to bring light to that dark place, and Heacabel praised their concentration on a 5th level magic.
"So that's it? How many of you will last until the end? she scoffed.
Onyx recited the spell in the demons' language and didn't even need to write the arcane symbols, while she recited the spell she used a tone that intimidated anyone who listened, for Derek this class was very important, as it would be the first time he would see an archdemon conjuring a magic to kill.
When she finished casting the spell, it released a thick, dark mist, the mist rising from it and chasing all targets within its reach, Napilla and Murvo as well as Professor Heacabel were away, but Derek remained close, he had conjured over himself. even protection from darkness and so it would be fine.
As for the white magic students, it didn't look good, when the fog touched their protected bodies they still felt the cold and stickiness, it was as if a booger was enveloping them and expanding, a feeling of disgust flooded their bodies.
"Stay focused, don't be intimidated "Merilda said with her hands together holding the magic.
"It's not a matter of focus, it's a matter of spirit " said Onyx meanly " you're weak, and you'll realize that soon.
Those who paid attention to these words began to doubt themselves, and that was the breach for Onyx's corruption, two students felt the black mist seeping through the [sacred aura's] protection, when they came into contact all the corruption flooded their bodies. and minds, scenes of despair and agony, the suffering of everyone Onyx had killed and tortured, all of her evil was gnawing at his flesh and mind.
"Help!! Shouted a girl with corruption spreading fast " take it from me! Take it away from me!!!
"For the love of God stop!!! " shouted the equally corrupted boy " you're killing me!!
The two fell to the ground convulsing, their skin turning black and bruised, their eyes and mouths bleeding, it was as if some kind of plague had infected them and rapidly destroyed them.
The agony of seeing his comrades being corrupted was about to make the whole class fail, Onyx just laughed while one more began to weaken, Heacabel to save the two who were corrupted quickly cast a spell that removed the black mist from them, and was Derek's turn to act.
Derek cast a spell and placed his hand on the chest of the boy who was convulsing on the ground, with that he began to absorb the corruption that infected him and now it darkened his arm.
Heacabel used light magic to purify the girl, he was nervous because he needed to act fast to save her or she would be doomed forever, Derek was already up to his elbow with black stain and suffered to absorb the corruption, when Heacabel finished stabilizing the girl he went to Derek to help him.
"Good job, I'll take over from here… "Onyx's hand grabbed the boy by the collar " what are you doing!?
"This one is mine," she said with a wicked smile.
"You said you weren't going to do anything beyond what we agreed before! " said Heacabel " we agreed that you would only cast the spell to test their defense!
"And that was all I did, and this one succumbed to magic "she replied "he passed the "point of no return", when corruption feeds on the soul and becomes something worse than an infection, your student Merilda should understand a little bit of that.
"Don't play with us! My ass we're letting you have Alister! shouted one of them.
"Oh? And by any chance are you going to try to destroy me? Onyx asked, releasing an overwhelming aura.
The aura she released now was much more intense and evil than the previous one, if they challenged her they would be killed instantly, besides that Napilla watched from a corner and would immediately attack anyone who attacked Onyx, seeing that a disaster was going to happen Derek intervened.
"Please back off, you can't win this one " he asked " we don't need to increase the number of victims.
Merilda felt a huge squeeze in her heart, her companion Alister had black spots spreading all over her body just like it had happened to her, but the speed was impressive, at this point if she used light magic to try to heal him it would cause pain and suffering , Heacabel suffered in silence as he concentrated his efforts on Agipa, while Onyx had Napilla drag his new toy down to the basement.
"Someone please heal Derek's arm " asked Heacabel treating the student.
"I'll be fine, the corruption will regress with time " he said.
Black mages weren't immune to dark magic, but they were extremely resistant to corruption, their bodies could tolerate an amount of miasma that would easily kill another person, and they were able to recover from corruption simply by resting.
All the students started to help with the girl's treatment, the other student who weakened was lucky and was only slightly corrupted, Ashiok tended to him to remove the corruption and as soon as everyone was clean they left the dungeon, but no one wanted to leave Alister behind.
"What's Onyx going to do with him? asked one of the boys.
"It's best you don't keep asking "said Derek "I'll try to save you later, but...
"It's not your responsibility Derek, this is my fault " said Heacabel " it seems that I underestimated Onyx, she really wanted to corrupt them.
"Professor, is Alister really going to die? " asked Ashiok " can't we do anything?
"I'll try to negotiate with her, maybe... "Merilda really wanted to help.
"Forget it, she won't accept a negotiation, unless she wins something equal " warned Derek " she wants to play with him, she won't give in this time.
"All of you, I will do everything possible to help Alister, you must go back to your rooms " asked Heacabel " just reflect on what you learned and felt today, and train so that you never again weaken before the power of darkness.
The students were still angry, but they themselves believed that it would be easy to overcome this test, in the end they realized that the wisest were those who gave up.
"Let's not give up yet, let's talk to Mr. Androuet " said one of them.
They all left, with the exception of Merilda who was still watching the dungeon entrance, she wanted to go there and rescue her companion, but she knew she still didn't have the power to do that, last time she attacked and challenged Onyx but only got out alive on a whim her.
"Murvo, go to your room " asked Derek " you better not come to the dungeon for a while.
She hesitated for a while, but Merilda also asked her to go to her room, after the girl left the two sat on the bench that was in the center of the area, Merilda certainly passed the test but didn't see any reason to celebrate.
"She did in seconds what that curse would have taken 10 days " commented Derek thoughtfully " the power of an archdemon is terrible, I underestimated Onyx because I only saw her as a whore.
"We also underestimated her, we got used to black magic and ended up underestimating her too " replied Merilda " that's your fault you know? You softened us up.
Derek laughed a little at this irony, the fact that they had become accustomed to a dark mage took away from their assessment of danger, but still they learned much faster having the support of a dark mage around, and with that proof Derek had an idea the extent of an archdemon's powers, and it was still far more than he'd bargained for.
"Excuse me, I would like your attention " said someone approaching.
The two soon saw who it was, it was a girl with an exotic appearance and few lines, as far as the two knew she was a transfer student who entered the 5th year after the start of classes, until today she did not interact with anyone, except a boy who was in the 1st year and came along with her.
"You're Kuzoha, aren't you? The one who came from the east country " Merilda said " can we help her?
"Yes, you are students of the course of magic of light and darkness, aren't you? And it looks like you guys get along well " she said " this is perfect for me, I want you two.
"How it is? asked Derek, completely confused.
To be continued.
Onyx showed her true strength and made the students shit themselves, as they learned not to underestimate the succubus queen.
But what does this student want with our favorite couple? Don't miss the next chapter!!Related Chapters
Heirs of Magic ( Book two ) Chapter Two - Retribution
"Did I hear right? Do you want both of us? " asked Merilda without understanding " what does that mean?"Do you know this figure? "Asked the girl showing a locket.The two present looked at the medallion she showed, it was divided into two equal parts of white and black, in the white half there was a black circle, and in the black half there was a white circle, moreover it gave the impression of something constantly changing. movement."In my country this medallion represents the onmyo, which in turn represents yin and yang " the girl said following her explanation " in her idiot and culture I would say that this represents light and darkness."I think I'm getting lost here," Derek was saying, scratching his head."I am the daughter of the priestess of the royal court, I came here with a mission " said Kuzoha " I seek the balance between light and darkness, and this balance is represented by you two."What makes you think that? Merilda asked."You are the white mage that has already b
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Chapter Three - Battlefield
"By the great Lord Vaectorfinay!! shouted several men.The war roar was followed by the sound of something similar to a stampede, hundreds of men riding bipedal lizards descended the hill at full speed, their objective was to break through the defense line of the imperial army.The mounted army lined up their shields, normally these shields wouldn't hold back such a terrible advance, but they were enchanted to be lighter to handle, and when lined up together formed a kind of firm barrier, it would be like having a wall mounted.But that wasn't enough, the dragon army's riding lizards were mighty, with the strength of the strongest bull and the speed of the fastest horses, on top of that receiving the benefit of the speed of descent, with all that they broke through the barrier easily.The men riding such beasts were equally impressive, clad in dragon scale armour, wielding mighty halberds and with all the fury of a beast, they tore the panicked men before them as if they were little l
Chapter Two - Retribution
"Did I hear right? Do you want both of us? " asked Merilda without understanding " what does that mean?"Do you know this figure? "Asked the girl showing a locket.The two present looked at the medallion she showed, it was divided into two equal parts of white and black, in the white half there was a black circle, and in the black half there was a white circle, moreover it gave the impression of something constantly changing. movement."In my country this medallion represents the onmyo, which in turn represents yin and yang " the girl said following her explanation " in her idiot and culture I would say that this represents light and darkness."I think I'm getting lost here," Derek was saying, scratching his head."I am the daughter of the priestess of the royal court, I came here with a mission " said Kuzoha " I seek the balance between light and darkness, and this balance is represented by you two."What makes you think that? Merilda asked."You are the white mage that has already b
Chapter One - Evidence and Corruption
(5th month of the year)"I'm going to pass on the test results now " said the teacher with her hands full of papers " I don't even need to say how disappointing you were.The teacher passed the tests to the students sitting in their seats, with each sheet handed out some sighed with relief, others cried, Murvo in her place prayed in silence for the result, when the sheet was deposited on her desk she was afraid to look, but when he opened his eyes to check the result and had a pleasant surprise."I got 10!! "She celebrated almost crying."Yes, a miracle considering your previous grade " said the teacher who was still nearby."But that test was impossible " she said " and it was still worth two notes, it was too much pressure!The Zod attack messed up the entire school schedule, the teachers took more than a week to recover, and Androuet was still incapacitated for a whole month, in view of this reality it was necessary to cancel the first test of the year, which takes place at the end