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Helltown A window to a new reality
Tiff watched mesmerized at the glowing screen. As they waited for their father to come back from work, her son 14-year-old son was typing something while her daughter watched in the same state as her mother. The dog, a golden retriever they got three years ago, sat next to his stationary owners. With his tail apprehensively thumping, he let out a high-pitched squeal, wondering what made them this way."And when I type here, everyone can see," John said as a ‘Hello!’ popped on the computer screen. Replies dinged immediately, with seven or eight popping up on the small screen window."Awesome!" Nicky grinned staring."Yep, Josh showed me how to use it. It’s called a chat box," the boy said proud."How do you know who these people are?" his mother asked."You don't know.""What do you mean you don’t know?" Tiff frowned."Well, you see, they don’t have to give their real name. Just a username. And you can add whoever you want.""Sounds incredibly unsafe," his mother muttered."It’s not, it
Helltown Side effects
"Stop!" she yelled, finding herself back in the kitchen. Her heart pounded as she held onto the counter as if for dear life. As her breathing stabilized, still startled, she thought to herself, "Alright, this actually works." Checking on her husband, she found him in their bed sound asleep. He smiled as he usually did while dreaming. Tiff chuckled, finding out the reason for his nightly ticks."Let’s try it again," she said, this time sitting on the couch. The nervous woman repeated the incantation, saying the name of Pierce W. Snow, Sam's boss. Again, she found herself in the house and groaned. "Please don't tell me I have to walk all the way to his house," she grumbled. Getting out of the house, she felt no cold, despite her light attire. Stepping on the pavement with her bare feet, she observed the surrounding houses. Everyone was sleeping, with only the raccoons and stray cats wreaking havoc to the trashcans.Her steps felt light, as if not touching the hard concrete. She lifted h
Helltown A road familiar
A group of skeleton-like creatures gathered on one of the dump hills. Dirty and malnourished, they moved together in a futile effort of escaping the hog demons' twisted games. The skin on their bony arms was covered in bruises and crud, making them look no different from the rotten human flesh which was their only source of nourishment. Their hair, clothes and teeth have deteriorated out of existence, making it impossible to distinguish between male and female. Their humanity, if they ever had some, was long gone. At this point, they were nothing more than a band of organisms, aimlessly wandering the land they inhabited. Without even the possibility of escape, or death, they chomped on the disgusting remains, completely devoid of any emotions.The carriage with four strong servants made them scatter. They trudged through the mountains of rotting flesh, groaning and moaning. Cassandra looked through the tinted window. The familiar smell made her nose itch and her lip scrunched up. She w
Helltown Good trade?
"Why do you think I want anything?" she said, slightly tense."As I mentioned previously. I know people. I can read them like cards," he expressed with hair-raising confidence. "I know you did not come here just to catch up. You barely talked to me to begin with. And here you are, pouring your sob story, like you don't have fleets of admirers back home, gushing on your every word.""Oh! If he only knew," Jane cackled, scornfully."Be honest. What is the real reason for this unexpected visitation?"She sighed, hoisting the heavy bag from her shoulder. "You are right. The real reason I am here is to trade."Stalin glanced inside the bag and gasped with delight.The guard stood outside with his hands crossed. His coworkers were returning with the carriage. Judging by their moans, they did not handle the change from a four-wheel drive to a tricycle well.Laughter came from the dilapidated hut, swiftly turning his attention towards it.The two smiling people emerged. "I had a wonderful time
Helltown Research
Tiff’s children entered the house while their mother was reading something on the couch. "Hey, how was school?" she asked as they kiss her on the cheek."Fine. What’s that?" her 17-year-old boy asked pointing to her book."Research. I’m thinking of getting my PhD.""That’s great mom," her daughter said happy. "Finally, something exciting!"Her mother side glanced her surprised."Are you going back to college then? I hope it's not mine. You know I love you but, having your mom attend your classes is..." her son stuttered."Wouldn't that be a fun. Helping mom win the beer pong challenge," Nicky chuckled, watching his face slowly fill with dread, imagining the awkward situation."No dear. I'm not gonna embarrass you in front of your friends. I’ll be able to do most of my work from home. As a matter of fact, I already picked the topic for my thesis," Tiffany smiled."What are you going to write about?" John asked."The influence of Latin in the occult practices of the modern age," she said
Helltown A reason to worry
Tiffany jumped from rooftop to rooftop, with the men in pursuit. They flew and went through obstacles, never loosing sight of her. Realizing she cannot outrun them for much longer, the terrified woman headed towards a block of residential buildings and into someone's apartment. Remembering she can go through walls, she stepped into an apartment. Passing thought a few walls and ceilings, the winded woman hid under the table. The men scattered around the area, searched for a good hour. Holding in her breath, still as a statue, she could hear them jumping around."There must be over a thousand compartments to go through. Shit!" one low male voice yelled."Was that a witch?" another man said."Impossible. There hasn’t been one in centuries," the third, angrier voice was heard."I don't know. There was a strange occurrence a few years ago in DC. Apparently, he dreamt of one standing over him and hissed. Something witches of the past loved to do," the second voice added.Tiff clenched her te
Helltown Allow me to explain
"And then he yelled ‘What’s in the box!’" Cassandra explained.Teo giggled, making the glass in his hand shake. "Oh, I love modern entertainment. It makes our job so much easier," he said, sipping his blood wine. They were siting in his lavish living space. With all the valuable trinkets and furniture collected over the eons, it resembled a room in an emperor's mansion. The pastel walls were decorated with golden frames, porcelain statues, ivory and gold clocks. Cassandra began to suspect that most of the nicer pieces her husband found ended up in his collection. "I must say, I traveled when alive, but I never saw so much splendor in one place. And all of it so tastefully done.""Thank you, my dear. I did make an effort to learn about human concepts of style and elegance. We demons do not have such personal fancies," he stated pleasantly."No kidding. How come?""Well, to tell you the truth, we never needed one. All that we demons require is already provided to us by our lord and maste
Helltown Trouble on the horizon
In a bright small office, a dignified plump professor looked over a paper. He took his glasses off and stated pleased, "This was wonderfully done, Mrs. Noble. Very detailed and well versed.""Thank you, professor. I’m very glad you liked it," the middle-aged mother of two replied."In fact, I believe your thesis is ready for publishing. Congratulations," he stated returning the file. With an air of arrogance around him, he hummed as the woman placed her things back into her bag."It is such a shame you didn’t continue your studies sooner. A capable person such as yourself would make an excellent assistant."Tiffany smiled flattered. "Oh I don’t see why that would be a problem now. With the kids all grown up, I’m free as I’ll ever be to peruse my academic goals."The professor tittered, tapping his fingers. "It is good that you kept your youthful spirit. Hopefully, it will serve you well in your future endeavors," he said extending his hand for a handshake."You can count on it, profes
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Spark of joy
Deep underground, magma swished and splashed in the place where Helltown used to be.The tower, so high and menacing, was now nothing but floating rocks. Cassandra's apartment complex was already under the magma. With all the others trying to find footing after their great fall, only Stalin was left there. He watched the lava levels rise, making the kitchen sizzle and burn. "Finally some peace," he thought as the heat reached his cut head, letting out a breath before being engulfed by a hot wave.Further away, a number of carcasses were being carried by the current. One of them, a damned soul with longer hair and one horn, heard a sweat voice call out his name."Bernard, are you there?" the female voice said softly.The carcass twitched. "Margaret, is that you?" he uttered, not sure if the voice was coming from inside his head or was it a hallucination of his damaged mind."Bernard, what have you done to yourself?" the voice said sad."Please, tell me you are real," The burnt individua
Drop of hope
The distraught woman was covered in construction material. Hurting all over, still scratching at her eye, she awaited the lava to engulf her while screaming in pain. It burnt her skull and brain, filling her nose with the disgusting smell of burned flesh. Digging in her claw into the socket, she yanked it out. Her eye, was not soft and squishy as expected. It was rock hard.Cassandra was stunned. She did not remember replacing it. It was her eye color and she could see through it, but it was made of glass. Overcome with vanquish, she hit the eye on the stone slab and...It broke. Just a little. And through the crack, a drop of water fell. The purest, shiniest drop she had ever seen. Touching the dark surface, it made it radiate warm bluish light. The liquid grew, spreading quickly into streams. Tiny bluish lines formed an ocean, covering every surface. She watched amazed. There was no more pain. Only peace.The hellish creatures stopped mid-flight. All looked up towards the portal in
The fault of one
Managing to reach the city. Everything was eerily quiet. Filled with newfound hope, she rushed to the tower and into the elevator, hitting the button for the hospital floor. "I'm sorry, Teo. But I don't see any other way out of this," she muttered to herself, slowly creeping into the dim hallways. "You would understand if you were in my position." "Stop your yapping and get on with it already!" Jane said impatient. "There is no better time to get rid of him than now." She was right. With everyone gone, everything was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Even Lavinia was brought to the stands to witness the colossal event. Cass cautiously popped her head, glancing into the patient's ward. There was no one there. "They must have moved him," she stuttered. "Don't worry. We'll find him," Jane said. Cass moved from room to room, opening every door. He was nowhere to be seen. "Can it be that he had recovered?" went through her panic-stricken mind. "Don't be ridiculous. Not even demons
Time to confess
The woman in her 50s entered the door of a pristine hospital. Calm and proud, she walked down the familiar hallways. Leaving her home made her increasingly queasy and weak, and the doctors were clueless of why. She had her suspicious, though.Her determined gate took her into the hospital room. Her dearest friend was there, on the verge of death, like all those years ago. Sadly, there was no saving her this time. Regina was frail, reduced to a mere skeleton with skin that clung like a loose suit. Seeing Tiffany, her lips curled up. Her son was the first to greet the newcomer."Thank you for coming, aunt Tiff," he said sniffing and shaking the woman's hand."You look terrible, dear. When was the last time you got a good night sleep?" she told Josh softly."I can't remember," he said, turning to his exhausted father.Tiff sighed. "Why don't you two go and have some rest? I'll take care of her now."The men agreed, and left the two women alone.Regina coughed, as her friend sat beside her
Basil entered the elevator deep in thought. "Nice guy," he exhaled, lowering his head. Starting to chuckle, he repeated the words, breaking into a crazy laugh as the elevator went down.He remembered a row of women and children coward as they were ushered by soldiers to a train. Thick snow covered the field, as their weak bodies shook under an insufficient amount of clothing. Alive and in his 30s, he counted bags placed on a folding table, neatly writing down all the valuable items in them. "Alright, if that is all, I will be on my way," he told the guards who escorted him to the gate. Once outside, he took a deep breath and looked at the gray sky. A small hand emerged from the snow, grabbing his hand. Startled, he looked down only to see a small boy in tatters. He was around ten, with large brown eyes, and small frozen fingers that protruded from his ripped gloves."Please, Sir. Take me with you," he begged, with his teeth chattering from the frost.The man tried to push the boy awa
The patient
As soon as the elevator door opened, Basil and Cassandra rushed out. There was already a crowd in front of the patients room. His curious friends gathered devastated by the sight. Teo's face was completely dissolved, with only his fangs protruding. Her limbs were slowly growing back and many could see his torso moving, which meant his lungs were still functioning. The doctor mumbled at the crowd, explaining his condition with every new visitor."As I mentioned previously. His body is regenerating. With enough rest, his muscles will grow back! But it is crucial that he has peace and quiet," he yelled to another one of Teo's minions.Seeing the couple, Dr Mengele sighed, begrudgingly letting them through.Basil was genuinely happy to see his old friend, sitting next to his bed and held his charcoal hand stump. Cassandra faked it as best as she could, with Jane’s mockery driving her crazy. "Wow. You really did him dirty. Do you think his brain got fried in the process?" her annoying brai
Dance! Dance!
"Cocktails for everyone!" the 19-year-old Tiff yelled. Her friends and her were out to a bar, dressed to a T, near her college. Disco was blasting, overpowering their chatter. "Too bad they're nonalcoholic," Jenifer sulked at the glass, but Regina already had the solution. She carefully pulled a tiny flask out of her bra and poured a transparent liquid into the girls' glasses. "I knew those melons of yours would come in handy one day," Tina squeaked delighted, taking the first sip. Tiff smelled her first. "What is this? Brandy?" "You know it," Reggie winked. The girls chugged their drinks, gagging from the taste a moment later. "That was bitter. Let's get another," Jenny yelled. Unknown to them, a group of college guys was already checking them out. A tall athletic type kept staring at them with a mysterious smile. Tiffany side-glanced him and looked away. "Is it my imagination, or is that guy checking you out?" she said to Reggie. Her friends discretely looked his way. The g
No time to spare
The Helltown mayor's throne room was located on the highest floor of the tallest building. The vast area was completely covered in black smooth rocks. His throne reached the ceiling, embellished with straight geometric slabs. A group of his most trusted demon and minion advisers had formed a perfect semicircle. They looked at him in awe, awaiting his orders."How are the maggots doing?" he said."Splendidly, my overlord. As you have predicted, the damned souls were very successful in making humans sin. We have not seen such results in eons," one advisor said with a deep bow."Typical. No better way to destroy humans then humans themselves," the ruler of Helltown said pleased. He laughed menacingly, watching a large black orb levitating near him. Unlike the devices of other hell dwellers, his was made of dark matter that both extracted and engulfed light. It showed, a diplomat giving a speech. By the look of it, the man was covered in ancient talismans and writings used for warding off
All according to plan
As the music blasted, she let out a puff of smoke, placing a hot iron on the board. The song playing in that particular moment she randomly found online. The rhythm was so upbeat and the message everything's-going-according-to-plan hit so well that she couldn't help but play it on repeat. Her husband was suddenly called that morning and told urgently that he has to come to work. She did not mind. After all it was better that he did not see this.Large piles of white linen were placed all around her as she carefully ironed and folded them all over the large open area. By the time, the clock turned 3, she had placed the ironed covers all around her living room, dancing and singing to the loud beats.A man knocked on her door. Not having anyone greet him, he entered the front door with confidence. He walked into the living room and observed the carefree woman doing her chores."We finally meet," he said calmly. Tiff still near her ironing board glanced at the man. He was in his mid-50s,