Chapter 57 Unspoken Rivalry

"Speaking of which, Mr. Ferro, we think it's really cool that you defended Briana like that," Karl said, turning to Mark with a nod of respect.

"That's right!" another classmate chimed in. "Even though you seem like a nobody, you surprised us by taking down those two goons!"

Luana added, "That's how a man should defend his beloved woman! You guys, on the other hand, seemed a bit scared. Why didn't you help Mark?"

Karl quickly defended himself and the others. "Oh, come on! We're not trained in martial arts like Briana's husband! Where did you learn those moves, Mr. Ferro?"

"Did you learn them on a Hollywood set?" another classmate joked.

Mark, ever humble, responded discreetly, "Oh, I learned a few basic moves when I served in the army. But nothing too impressive."

"Nothing too impressive?" Karl said, raising an eyebrow. "Let me tell you something: your initiative in taking out those guys was what destabilized Víbora and the others."

Lawrence, who had been silently watching the convers
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