The year is 2025.
There's a planet in the galaxy far away from our Mother Earth universe called Planet Mepra. Years ago, humans found this planet suitable to live on as they have the same properties as Earth; enough oxygen level, land, and water for people to live in.
On that planet, there's a kingdom called Zagary, where its people live in peace and harmony. It's because Zagary made a pact with most of the planets and kingdoms near them to prevent any war or battle from happening. That's why Zagary is a peaceful kingdom in the whole galaxy.
But it all changes when the Royal Family of Zagary have their kids, and all of them are a bit different than the other kids in the kingdom. Why? It's because their kids have Elemental powers, and each of them has specific Elemental powers!
The Ruler of Zagary, King Richard William, and Queen Maria William have 2 kids, which are Prince Benjamin who was born with Thunder's elemental power, and Princess Cally who was born with Plant's elemental power. Meanwhile, Jaiden Peterson and Sally Peterson, who are the Royal Treasurer of Zagary, also have 2 kids, which is Adeline who was born with Air elemental power, and Adam who was born with Fire elemental power. Russell Anderson and Julia Anderson, who are the Royal Secretary of Zagary, have a twin, which is Sam who was born with 9 Elemental powers that are Earth, Air, Thunder, Fire, Water, Ice, Plant, Solar, and Psychic. Sam's twin sister, Leah was born with 2 Elemental powers, which are Water and Ice. Anderson and Julia also have a younger daughter, which is Athena that also born with 2 Elemental powers, which are Solar and Psychic.
Because of this, everyone in Zagary knew about the Royal Family's children having Elemental powers. They believe in a prophecy, where all of the Royal Family's children who have the Elemental powers are The Chosen Ones to lead the kingdom in the future to restore the galaxy's peace.
Their parents always teach their kids how to control their Elemental powers, so that they can use them for good purposes in the future. Their kids never knew why or how they were born with the Elemental powers, but their parents always told them that they received the powers because they were chosen by the Elemental Masters to receive them, and they're known as The Chosen Ones.
At the same time, The Royal Family formed a superhero team called The Nebulas, where the leader is Russell and Julia. King Richard and Queen Maria are the advisors, while Jaiden and Sally are the members of the team. The Nebulas are formed to protect the Elemental powers, recruit more members that have superpowers, Elemental powers, or even no powers at all that are voluntary to help Zagary citizens, and also defend the galaxy from any evil force. The Nebulas are fully assisted by The Royal Family and the Zagary security force.
Because of The Nebula's formation, one day, something bad happened to the Anderson family that changed everything.
Russell and his family went to a bookshop in the town because their kids wanted to buy books for their revision. While they were underway to the town, a car suddenly came from the opposite direction at a bridge, hit their car, and fell into the nearby forest.
Everyone is unconscious except for Athena. Without wasting time, she directly called the ambulance. Suddenly, she saw someone go to her mother's door. She then saw that the person was holding a knife and murdered her mother. She was shocked causing her to scream in silence, but then suddenly the murderer found her witnessing the event. The murderer then went and choked Athena to make sure she was dead and no witness would be alive, but luckily she was rescued by the police. The police saw the situation and shot the murderer who was trying to kill Athena and the murderer is dead. The police then run towards Athena to check her condition, but later Athena faints and is unconscious. The ambulance then brings all of them to the hospital.
The question is, who is the person that's murdered Athena's mother? She is Anna Wilburt, Sansone Wilburt's wife. And who is Sansone? Sansone is the ruler of Gruven and he's having a grudge against Zagary. Some said that he was being expelled from the kingdom, and others said that he was someone from an unknown kingdom who was trying to take over Zagary for his purpose. But the real story is never being told as only the Royal Family knows about it, and it never being told to the public the real reason Sansone wants to take over Zagary and the universe.
After the incident, at the hospital, Russell is awake and he asks the doctor who is also his friend, Bill McMichael about his family's condition.
"Bill, how are my kids? Are they okay?", asked Russell.
"Don't worry, they're fine. They're still unconscious, but they're in stable condition", said Bill.
"How about my wife?"
Bill then goes silent until Russell becomes frustrated and wants to know Julia's condition.
"Bill, how's Julia? Is she okay?"
Bill then starts to cry and Russell raises his voice to Bill.
Russell is shocked to hear what Bill said and doesn't believe his words.
"No, I don't believe you! She must be still alive, right?!"
"No, Russell! She's passed away. We already try to save her, but...it's too late."
Russell then starts to cry and Bill tries to calm him down. He still can't believe that his lovely wife, Julia has passed away. Soon after, Russell visited the kids in their ward and informed all of them of the bad news.
"Dad, where's Mom at?", asked Leah.
"She...uh...", said Russell before being disturbed by Sam by asking the same question.
"Yeah, Dad. Where is she at? She...she's fine, right?", asked Sam.
Russell is then silent before Athena that is already started to cry tells the truth.
"Our Mom...is dead", cried Athena.
"What?! No...no, you must be joking, right sis?!", said Leah before her tears also came out.
"No, sis! I'm not joking. I...I saw her being killed right in front of me."
"Wh-what? Our Mom...being killed?!", asked Sam.
"Yes. And...I almost died from that murderer too. Luckily, the police shot her, and I survived."
Russell is shocked hearing Athena's explanation and says, "Oh my goodness. I...I'm sorry, Athena. I'm really happy that you're okay, but...yes...your Mom sadly passed away. She's being stabbed in the chest, and she lost a lot of blood when the ambulance brought us to the hospital. I...I'm sorry, kids. I have tried, but it's too late. I promise that I will fight for our justice, and we will rise once again, alright? Come here, all of you."
The kids then hugged their father and cried non-stop because they lost their lovely mother.
The next day, Russell together with his kids went to Julia's cemetery to visit her grave.
"Darling, I'm sorry I can't protect you. I promise that I will take good care of our kids. If I had to sacrifice my life, I'm willing to do it to protect our kids", said Anderson.
At Gruven, Sansone is in grief because his wife, Anna passed away. He then informed his son, Zack that he would take revenge for his mother's death. He will be attacking Zagary and destroying the kingdom, including the Heroes team for good because he knows that Russell killed Anna. He then gathers all the soldiers and they're ready to attack Zagary.
Back in Zagary, Russell knows that Sansone wants to have a battle and attack Zagary. He then calls his team and Zagary's soldiers to get ready for the war. Sam together with his sisters and cousins will also help in this war.
The next day, Sansone's troops arrived and attacked Zagary without mercy. Meanwhile, Russell with the Heroes team and Zagary's soldiers also attack them.
Sometime later, at the Heroes HQ, Sansone, and Anderson finally meet face to face.
"Why are you doing this, Sansone?", asked Russell.
"You killed my wife, that's why I came here for revenge!", mad Sansone.
Then Russell was shocked and said to Sansone, "I'm not the one who killed your wife. Your wife killed my wife and almost killed my daughter!"
"Liar! I know you're the one that killed her. I know you and your whole kingdom want to eliminate me from this world, just like you all 'did' before, right?!"
"Sansone! I swear that I'm not part of 'that' incident, okay? And I'm sorry you lost your father during 'that' incident, but I'm telling you we can't continue to have revenge like this."
"Enough! I don't wanna hear anything. It's all your fault! Now let me finish you once and for all!"
And then, they're fighting with each other.
After a while, Sam with his sisters and his cousins went to the Heroes HQ. Anderson tells them to retreat to the castle but suddenly Sansone attacks Athena and she faints. Anderson opens the portal at that time and tells them to go to the portal. Sam tells his father to follow them but his father doesn't want to and wants to finish this battle.
"Go, son! And remember I will always love all of you."
Anderson pushes him to the portal, and the portal closes.
He fights with Sansone until they both die because Anderson has already installed a bomb inside the tower in his plan to defeat him. Almost 5 blocks of the city were damaged because the Heroes HQ collapsed.
At the castle, they were shocked after they saw that the HQ had collapsed. Sam is shouting his father's name and crying because his father is gone. Adam tells him to calm down and suddenly Sam faints and all of them are brought to the hospital.
The next day, Sam and Athena woke up and they were really sad that both of their parents were gone, leaving them three to survive on their own. Adam and Adeline tell them to be patient because all of this is a test for them. They went to their parent's cemetery and Sam said sorry to them that he could not protect them. He and his sisters still remember his parent's last words, "We will always love all of you". He promised that he would take care of his sisters after this no matter what happened to them.
The war is ended, but the grief still haunts Russell's kids. Russell and Sansone died when the blast happened at the Heroes HQ. Sam, Leah, and Athena were sorrowful because both of their parents were gone and they were now an orphanage. Queen of Zagary, Queen Maria decides that they will remain in Zagary's royal family and will be protected under the Royal Family's care.
Sam, Leah, and Athena are sitting at the dining table with Adam, Adeline, Prince Benjamin, and Princess Cally a week later.
"It's been a week since our parents were gone", said Sam.
"I know. We're so sorry about your parents", said Cally.
"Our parents sacrificed themselves for the kingdom. I just can't believe they're doing this", said Leah.
"Your parents are great warriors. I assure that all of you are proud having them that always love all of you so much and sacrificed themselves for the kingdom", said Adam.
After that, Athena suddenly got out of the dining room and went to her room.
"What's wrong with her?", asked Benjamin.
"Well, after our father passed away, she didn't want to talk with us. She's like having depression. Maybe she's missed our parents", said Leah.
Suddenly, they heard a glass breaking and someone screaming.
"What's that?", asked Adeline.
"Let's go check it out!", said Sam.
After that, they heard that the voice was from Athena's room. They were shocked to see that Sam's family picture was broken and also Athena was sitting on a bed and crying.
"Why did you leave me?! Why?! Don't you both love me anymore?!", cried Athena.
"Athena, what happened?", asked Sam.
She then went to Sam and hugged him.
"Why did our parents leave us? Are they both didn't love us anymore?", cried Athena.
"Sis, our parents didn't leave us because they didn't love us. They left us because they had to do it for our safety and also for the kingdom", said Leah.
"But why they must do that?! I want them back! I want to tell them I'm sorry that I can't protect them as they want me to do it", cried Athena.
"We all also want to protect them but they won't let us do that. They told us to stay alive and move on, sis. We must continue their legacy, and continue what they have done for everyone, including us. They will always love us, Athena", said Leah.
"There, there, sis! Don't cry anymore. We must move on with our lives, sis. No matter what will happen after this, we must stick together and also remember that our parents love us no matter what", said Sam.
"Thank you so much, bro, sis! You always have my back whenever I have problems", said Athena.
"You're welcome, sis. We're siblings, and we will stick together", said Sam.
Then later that night, when they all were asleep, Athena was having a nightmare. At that time, Leah and Sam also heard their little sister talking on her own.
"Mommy! Daddy!", said Athena.
"Athena, are you okay?", asked Sam.
"Sis, what's wrong?", asked Leah.
"Mommy, Daddy, please...don't leave me alone! I'm scared! I need you both! Please don't leave me!", cried Athena.
"She didn't hear us", said Leah.
Then Sam touches Athena's forehead and it is hot.
"Oh my god, she's having a fever!", said Sam.
"What?! Yeah, you're right! Should we bring her to the hospital?", asked Leah.
"Yes, let's bring her to the hospital", said Sam.
Sam then later carries Athena to go to the hospital with Leah. After Athena was warded, Dr. Bill told Sam and Leah to go to his room to discuss about Athena's condition.
"Your sister is having a fever. But there is another thing...", said Dr. Bill.
"What is it?" asked Sam.
"Your sister...is having depression", said Dr. Bill.
"What?! But how?", asked Leah.
"Most probably is because of your parent's death. She might have missed them both so much that she always crying, and you both also said that she didn't eat much after your father passed away", said Dr. Bill.
"So, is there any cure for her?", asked Sam.
"There are no other medicines that can cure her than giving her motivation. You both need to give her motivation so that she can be calm and happy again", said Dr. Bill.
"Alright, we'll try our best", said Leah.
Two days later, Athena finally wakes up from her unconscious.
"Athena, you're finally awake!", said Sam.
"Bro, sis? Where am I?", asked Athena in a weak tone.
"You're in the hospital. You have a high fever, so we brought you here", said Leah.
"You're also having a nightmare. But when we want to wake you up, you neither hear us nor wake up from it", said Sam.
"Wait, what?! Oh yeah, I remember now", said Athena.
"What happened, sis? What nightmare do you have? Why do you call for our mommy and daddy?", asked Leah.
"I...I'm having a nightmare that someone takes our parents away and at that time I hold their both hands but when that person brought mommy and daddy away, they both take off my hand and that's why I said don't leave me alone", cried Athena.
"Sis, our parents are long gone. But they are always in our hearts. We can always remember them. They also don't want us to be sad when they're already dead. They want us to move on", said Sam.
"No matter what happens, we need to stick together. And also our parents will always love us. Don't worry Athena, we both will protect you, and also we will never leave you alone", said Leah.
"Thanks so much, bro, sis. Thanks for being with me all the time", said Athena, and then they all hugged each other.
Sam, Leah, and Athena move on with what happened and they three start to practice controlling their Elemental powers on their own as what their parents have taught them. They promised that they would use the powers they had for good purposes.
Later on, Sam received a recommendation from his twin sister, Leah to find him a teacher for Sam to practice his Earth elemental power.
"Hey brother, I want to recommend to you one of my best friends who could teach you Earth elemental power. Her name is Iris and she's our classmate. What's special about her is although she's blind, she has a very good hearing sense, and that's why she's known as the Earth elemental power master in her village", said Leah.
"That's interesting. Okay, I love to have someone who could teach me my Elemental power. Let's go meet her", said Sam.
Sam and Leah then went to meet with Iris. Sam is shocked to see how is she teaching her students although she's blind.
Sam then went to Iris and asked her if she could teach him Earth's elemental power.
"Hi! You must be Iris, right?", asked Sam.
"Hi! Yes, I am! You must be Sam Anderson, am I right?", said Iris.
"Yep, that's me! So, I would like to ask you if you could teach me about Earth's elemental powers because I need to master all of my Elemental powers since I was born with them. Could you please be my teacher?"
"Sure, I would love to teach you!"
"Thank you so much! By the way, mind if I ask how could you teach the villagers here even though you're blind? I'm sorry if I'm asking you this, but I'm just curious."
"No, it's okay. Well, I was born with my eyes blind. My parents did not allow me to undergo surgery because they were scared that anything would happen to me and they didn't want to take the risk. So, I managed to move on with my life by using my hearing sense. If any enemies come to attack, I could hear them very sharply. That's my secret of teaching the villagers about this power and how I managed to go on with my life without my sense of sight."
"You're an amazing girl, Iris! You managed to move on with this condition, and I'm proud of you."
"Thanks, Sam. Come on, let's begin our training!"
After that, they started practicing Earth's elemental power together. Iris is a good teacher and she worked hard to teach Sam to become an elemental master.
After weeks and months of training, Iris is very satisfied with Sam's potential to master the Earth's elemental power. Although she can't see, she knows that Sam can do it with her hearing and feeling.
"I'm very happy with you. Now, I believe you have mastered all 9 of your Elemental powers. I'm so proud of you!", said Iris.
"Thanks. I promise that I will use these Elemental powers to help people in trouble. Oh, by the way, are you interested in joining the Heroes team? We need people like you on our team", said Sam.
"I always dreamt of joining the Heroes team and finally my dream came true. I heard about the Heroes team and I want to be in it. Alright I'll join!", said Iris.
For a few years, Sam, Leah, and Athena learned how to control their Elemental powers more efficiently with their cousins and Iris. And now, Sam and his Heroes team members are well prepared for what's coming for them next!
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It has been 10 years passed since Cindy and Melinda invaded Bigenia, and there is no news regarding Cindy after she escaped the collapse of the Bigenia Tower. The Heroes team has tried to find her for all of these years, but they do not seem to find her. Thus, they decide to stop the search since Cindy is no longer a threat to them, and if they found anything new related to her, they might look for her again. At the same time, Alicia and the Heroes team kids already turned 20 years old. They are now in the final year of their study at university. All of them also already practice their Elemental power as well from their parents. This story is about Alicia's son, Peter, who wants to find his true love. Peter is having a crush on a girl at his university, which is his best friend, Pauline. The problem for Peter is he's too shy to confess his feelings to her. Meanwhile, Pauline also has a crush on Peter as well, but the same problem as Peter, she is also really shy to tell him the truth
Chapter 26: Regret
It has been 2 years since Cindy disappeared from Zagary, and also it has been 2 years since Sam and Iris passed away due to Cindy's killing both of them in a battle.At the unknown dimension, Cindy is looking up at Carla's cocoon condition. Cindy asked her scientists about the condition of the cocoon."So, how is she right now?", asked Cindy."The cocoon is in stable condition, but as you know, the E-Virus will take longer time to consume her, so she might be like this for a few years, or longer. You...don't mind that right, mistress?", said the scientist."I don't mind at all. Besides, we need her to be more powerful and ready for our next big war with the Heroes team. I don't care if she will not release from the cocoon for quite some time, but when she does, we need to make her fully stable and ready for the next adventure.""Did...did those kids know about our secret experiment?""Oh, you mean Melinda and her gang? Nah, they didn't know at all. I don't want them to know about this
Chapter 25: Move On
A week has passed and it's also a week after the death of Sam and Iris. Everyone in the galaxy still can't believe that the leader of the Heroes team who has served for the peace of the galaxy for a very long time is finally gone. Alicia and her siblings are not excluded from the grief of their parent's death, but soon after they need to move on from what happened and continue their parent's legacy.Meanwhile, in the spirit world, Sam saw Iris is standing by herself. He went near to Iris and hold her shoulder to give her a signal that he was behind her."Honey? Is this you?", asked Iris."Yes, it's me, darling", said Sam.Iris then hugged Sam, started to cry, and said, "I miss you, honey.""I miss you too, darling. Listen, I'm sorry about my action.""It's okay, honey. I understand. Now I realize, we're doing the right thing. You were right. Sometimes we have to sacrifice ourselves for the greater good. I hope our kids can continue with what we have done.""Yeah, I hope so. I believe
Chapter 24: Revenge
On an unknown planet in an unknown dimension, Melinda activated a portal that can go to a different dimension. She goes through the portal and arrived at a time when Cindy is being killed by Alicia with her Solar Beam. As everyone knows, Cindy died because she was hit by Alicia's Solar Beam, which cause her to be burned alive and turned into ashes. The ashes are then flung into the air in a different direction. When that situation happened, Melinda use her glove to freeze time and quickly grab Cindy's ashes into a vile before being blown away by the wind. She managed to grab it all and then goes back into the portal to return back to the current time dimension.Then, Melinda with her minions put the 3 Destruction Masks into a circle, alongside Cindy's ashes that have been put in the circle. They all then started to cast some spells on the masks and ashes. Suddenly, the circle turns to glow, the masks are floating, and the ashes are forming a human body. Melinda and her minions are sh