Poor orphan

Seeing her Grandpa's reaction to what was sent, Ava stood up and went to him.

"What are the papers about Grandpa? Why are your hands trembling?" she asked slightly collecting the papers from him of which he didn't refuse to leave them for her.

When she collected it and tried opening the first paper that was wrapped, a sharp medium knife fell out, earning a scream from her and attracting the attention of the rest of the members.

"What is this?" Ava's Dad questioned upon seeing the knife on the floor. She mustered up the courage with shaky hands and turned over the next paper which only had a single sentence.

*Do not mistake me for my mask*

"What does that even mean?" Mrs Hilton asked on seeing that and repeated the words. Nothing came to their minds at the moment.

Meanwhile, Logan also stood up and went closer to them although he might be scolded but that didn't stop him from going there. He at least want to see the content of the letters too even though he has the idea what it i
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