The mastermind

"How is he doing?" Logan asked as he got into the living room of his house. He came back to see Ice the next day. He couldn't come back yesterday because he was busy focusing on something else.

At least, his threats and the huge amount of money got Ava to sign the divorce papers. No one can resist such money even if you are rich and besides, the Hilton family requires financial support right now. They will be glad to see anyone come forward to help them.

The marriage compensation he paid to Ava will go a long way for them, Logan got to know yesterday that they got a new apartment although not as big as the old one and they will probably move in within the week since this is the last week he gave them to pack out of the house.

"The guys kept to your instructions Blue and they've been keeping a watch on him too" Alfred reported and Logan nodded his head. Whatever Ice might be going through right now can't be up to half of what he went through but he managed to survey it.

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