A miscalculated plan

Being indoors for a long while had made their senses a bit shaken off and when they had to adjust to a sudden brightness, they couldn’t help but blink their eyes multiple times.

Everyone was shocked to see someone had walked into a room. An unknown someone they didn’t know but were so desperate to see his face, yet their sight was failing to adjust to the light.

However, after the figure spoke, every single effect of the sudden brightness was washed off and replaced with curiosity.

Starting from the leg, everyone scanned the figure from the toe, slowly heading to his face. When they arrived at the finish point, they all nearly fell on their backs.

“Ramon?” Everyone yelled seemingly as though they had seen a ghost. It had to be a ghost right, or maybe their senses were playing tricks on them? They just couldn’t figure it out as their jaws were wide open, almost dropping to the floor.

“Jesus Christ! What the hell is this?” Edward yelled, shaking his head from side to side to see if ever
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