Hidden secret
“Wife, I’ll have you take over the company tomorrow.” Harrison broke the silence after a long while of eating. A smile was on his face as he spoke the words, looking straight at her.

“Take over the company? What do you mean?” Caroline was caught on her tongue. Even though she was stuffed and glued to her chair, she couldn’t help but give him that reaction as it seemed her body moved on its own.

“Yes. You’ll be taking over Samson company. All of it would be yours, and you will be partnering with Sterling Corporation which is my company. Everything you once wanted will be yours.” Harrison spoke calmly since he knew she was shocked and still trying to process everything.

Her dream had been to work in that company for a long while now, but each time she brought the requests to her mother or grandmother none of them paid attention to her.

They weren’t being fair despite knowing Caroline graduated first in her class unlike the others yet they degraded her and left her to suffer.

“I don’t kn
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