A Golden Opportunity

Sitting at the edge of her seat was lilly Goldberg with pricked ears and eyes wide open like they were about to pop out of their circuits.

It was time for the new heir to be announced and introduced to the entire world and her impatience was getting the better of her. If anything, she wished she was at the scene in person, standing right in front of the new heir.

Austin Jacobs was finally laid to rest and his family prayed for his peace as he was cremated since that was the way he wished to be laid to rest.

The reporter paid his last respect to the legend being laid to rest before speaking. "Alright, now that the entire world has come together to bid the head of the Jacobs empire farewell, it is finally time for us to meet the young man to continue in Mr Austin Jacobs' footsteps."

"Everybody be quiet!" Kelly Goldberg hushed them even though no one was talking. "It's time! It's time!" Her eyes widened as she glared at the TV and she wasn't the only one.

They had all been expecting the heir to be a young and handsome looking man but they were all surprised when a man who looked over sixty came into view.

"Huh?" Lilly confusedly exclaimed. "Is that him? Is he the heir?"

The old man cleared his throat. "Hello everyone, my sincere apologies but I am not the man you wish to see. My name is Logan Hayes and I have been the Jacobs family butler for decades. I'm afraid the new heir has decided to keep his identity a secret for now. As much as he would like to meet all of you, he is still in a state of... Shock... If that's the right word.

"He has lost his family and he needs time to adjust. But! To those of you looking forward to a speech from him, he has asked me to relay a message to the world. Every company that his grandfather had been investing in will still receive his support as it was before.

"But you will have to prove to him that he isn't wasting his funds. You will show him the improvements you've had so far with his grandfather's unwavering support. Amongst the long list of companies, he will begin by paying a visit to those he has seventy percent of ownership and are based here in Seattle.

"That is, Xpress Magazine, K limited and G cooperation--"

"Oh that's us!" Lilly exclaimed excitedly. "The new heir will be coming to our company, mum!"

Kelly was just as excited as her daughter but nobody knew that it was for an entirely different reason.

"I'm going to have to push our staff to work overtime as well!" Daniel Robertson butted in. "He is the most important investor for my company, if he were to withdraw, Xpress magazine would crash in the blink of an eye!"

"Same as us! We'd go bankrupt faster than any company to go bankrupt in the entire history!" Lilly explained.

"Lilly, kitchen please." Kelly called her daughter as she herself rose to her feet and started towards the kitchen.

Lilly followed her mother immediately. "Is something wrong mother?"

"My darling daughter, you know I only want what is best for you right?" Her brow arched as she asked.

"Of course I do! I know that you and dad will never ask me to do anything that would hurt me in any way at all." Lilly responded with a look of certainty on her face.

"I am happy to have such a beautiful and smart daughter." Kelly complimented and her daughter smiled. She continued. "It is about the new heir of the Jacobs family. You have to make a move on him!"

"But... Mother... What about Daniel?" Lilly reduced her voice as she asked.

"That old fool? All he wanted was a pretty young girl and all we needed from him was his money. Sure, he is in our grasp now and he will give us anything we ask for but we cannot let such a golden opportunity slip away from our hands."

"What do you mean by golden opportunity, mom? I don't understand what you are saying."

"Oh for goodness sake, be smart! While that Robertson is enriching our pockets, you have to make sure the new heir falls for you and wants to marry you by all means! With such a powerful man on our side, our family will literally live amongst the angels in the clouds!" Kelly explained with a broad smile on her face.

She could already imagine what it would be like to share space with angels.

"Okay but what about Daniel? What do we do with him after the heir falls in love with me and wants to marry me?"

"Easy, we'll dump him when he's a broke nobody so no one would believe him if he ever tried to shame us."

Lilly rested her back against the counter in the kitchen. "Oh I don't know mum..." A worried look played on her face.

Her mother walked closer to her and held her shoulders firmly. "My darling daughter, listen to me! Mother knows best you know? I would never try to mislead you. You listened to me when I asked you to dump that useless nobody ex husband of yours and look at you now!"

Lilly's lips curved into a weak smile. Her mother was right after all, if she hadn't taken her mother's advice and dumped Ryan Jacobs, she would still be the wife of a useless nobody.

But now, she was the bride of the rich and well known Daniel Robertson who had promised to give her everything she could ever want.

But now there was another man who could hand her the key to the world if she requested it, would she be stupid to try to woo him or would she be stupid to give up on Daniel just like that?

Her mother shook her out of her thoughts. "Even Daniel Robertson is under the new heir, if the heir decides today to pull out of his company, he would be bankrupt at once!"

"Us as well mom!"

"That's the point! He would never pull out of his wife's company..."

Lilly could really see the big clear picture now.

Kelly added. "This is a golden opportunity, we would be fools to miss it..."

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