A Trip Out

Ryan noticed the officer was just as confused as he was and he hoped the man would demand for some explanation.

“Uh… Teresa, a word?” Officer Randolph asked her before he started towards the door.

Teresa nodded her head and followed the officer out of the room. Ryan didn't like the fact that he was left in suspense but it didn't last for long either.

Teresa returned to the room with the officer by her side. Officer Randolph seemed to have a sort of apologetic look on his face but he didn't say anything.

“Tell me, Ryan, how have you been?” Teresa asked with a smile on her face.

At first, Ryan wanted to question how she knew his name but he decided not to since the police must have done their research on him. “Uhm… not so great.” He responded as he adjusted in his bed.

She carefully put the necklace around his neck and didn't let go until it was properly fastened. “There is a lot to explain to you but firstly, you have to go somewhere with me. Can you walk?”

“I should be able to. Where are we going?” He confusedly asked.

“On a small trip.” She responded with a broad smile that reached her teary eyes.

Officer Randolph reached out to touch Ryan and he flinched. The man's hand froze in mid air before returning to his pocket. “Sorry about the misunderstanding sir, but you need to understand that I'm a rigid cop. I wish you good luck in life.”

Ryan's brow arched. Did he just hear the officer refer to him as sir?

Officer Randolph turned to face Teresa. “I'll have him checked out. It won't take long.”

She nodded her head and saw the officer out of the room. Meanwhile, Ryan was beyond confused. But he couldn't do anything about the situation.

Moments later, he was already given fresh clothes and his wounds had been retreated. Teresa kept asking him if he would like anything to eat but he was too anxious to put anything down his throat.

For a few hours they waited at her house. She didn't tell him anything and he couldn't bring himself to ask. She still insisted he ate something. “It's going to be a long flight, you should eat.” She said to him as she arranged some fresh pancakes on the table.

“Flight?” He arched his brow at her and she smiled.

“Eat up my love, just trust me.” With that, she walked away after setting the table.

“Trust?” He was starting to feel like he was being kidnapped yet she wanted him to trust her. He was a homeless man with nothing to call his own, not even a job! Maybe if they knew that, they wouldn't plot to kidnap him because he had nothing to offer.

But now, staring at the pancakes, he was starting to feel a little hungry. ‘One bite wouldn't hurt,’ he told himself as he picked up his fork and before he knew it, he was down to the very last one.

Teresa walked in with a smile on her face. “I thought you weren't hungry?” She asked as she crossed her arm below her breast.

Ryan cleared his throat but didn't say anything in response. He knew very much how the situation looked and nothing he would say would make her stop grinning at him the way she was.

Her eyes trailed out of the window for a second, “It's time, let's go.”

“What? Wait! Where are we…” his voice trailed off as the blades of a chopper buried out every of the noise in the surrounding.

He rose to his feet and hurried to the window and out in front of her house was a white and gold helicopter, hovering not too far from the ground and he felt his jaw drop wide open.

She tapped his shoulder and he looked at her. “When we get back home,” she yelled at the top of her voice. “You have to tell them you gave me permission for the chopper okay?”

He squinted. “What?”

She pulled his arm and led him outside. The blade of the helicopter made it hard for anything else to be heard and he could barely open his eyes from the pull of the wind.

She led him into the helicopter and it took off the moment they were both seated.

Ryan couldn't help but to wonder, was he crazy for following a strange woman around? His eyes wandered to her and that was when he took notice of the yin necklace around her neck.

‘Anybody can have a yin necklace right?’ He tried to tell himself but he was still too curious. He said to ask her about it when they landed at… what did she call it? Home?

After hours of flying, the helicopter finally touched down in the compound of a mansion as magnificent and mighty as a King's or a god!

Ryan couldn't stop staring with his jaw wide open. He didn't even realize when she took his arm and led him off the chopper until his feet met with the ground.

The place was as beautiful as anything that should live in the skies and not on the ground. It was too precious for earthly dirt.

He had never seen anything so big before, not even in movies about billionaires!

He was so indulged in the details of the mansion that he didn't pay attention to the crowd of men and women dressed in white and black until they greeted each other in union. “Welcome home, young master Jacobs.”

Their voices were like that of a choir chorusing a beautiful melody and it took him by surprise. What even surprised him the most was the fact that he was the one they were all referring to as their young master.

He turned to look at Teresa with confusion written all over his face. He didn't need to say anything because his face had said it all.

She smiled at him confidently. “It is high time you learnt about who you truly are… my dearest nephew.”

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