Hidden Successor of The Trillion Dollar Conglomerate
Hidden Successor of The Trillion Dollar Conglomerate
Author: RiaRia
Anniversary Surprise

Ryan Jacobs paused as the door creaked while he was trying to open it. If anything, he wanted to move like a subtle breeze unnoticed by anyone.

He was greeted by grave darkness in the living room. The house was empty of any life save for the cat that waltzed about in the darkness.

He was relieved when he noticed that there was no one there. Carefully closing the door behind himself as he walked in, he gripped onto the shopping bag in his hand tightly to avoid it from falling to the ground.

He had never been happier. Purposely sneaking back home a little towards midnight, he wanted everyone to be asleep as he returned home with a secret present for his wife, Lilly Goldberg.

That day happened to be their third year wedding anniversary and he had been saving up for the event for quite some time now.

The Goldbergs weren't a ridiculously rich family but they were okay and for what it was worth, he wanted the gift to at least be presentable.

Lilly had had her eyes on an expensive brand of bag for a while and even though it cost him an arm and a leg, he made sure he got it for her on such a special day.

Normally, he would have returned home after closing from work but his wife's family despised him more than they despised poverty and whenever he was around, they would ignorantly make his already hard life miserable.

But it was a special day and he wanted to be in a good mood while presenting the gift to his wife. Which was why he took extra care as he climbed up the flight of stairs.

He felt his insides tingle from joy and anxiety which made him smile. He just couldn't imagine the look that would be on his wife's face once she saw the designer bag.

There was this unexplainable joy in her whenever she thought about the bag alone so how would she feel when it was finally within the grasps of her very own hands?

He walked up the stairs with that thought in his head and arriving at the top, he stopped to take a breath of calm.

Reaching for the door knob, his hand froze midway as his brow arched and his ears pricked as they caught the sound of strange noises… almost like… moans.

“What is this…?” He muttered to himself, thinking out loud.

Maybe it was an erotic movie or recording. Was she trying to set the mood or something? For the past three years that he had been married to her, she never let him touch her, not even once.

He wasn't allowed to, not even by accident. He wondered if she had finally decided to let him in, after all, three years was more than enough.

He felt his lips curve into a smirk. Truly the patient dog did get the biggest bone, he thought to himself.

He finally reached out to the door knob and let his fingers wrap around it. Gently, he twisted it open and allowed himself in and his eyes met with the blue lights in the room.

For a second, his face froze as it was, the smile remaining on his face even though he no longer had a reason to be doing so.

Then slowly, the smile began to fade away as the confusion in him drifted slowly from him until it was completely gone.

He could very much see his wife, his own beloved wife, almost breaking her back for another man. Letting another man ride her like she was his motorcycle. His own wife, who refused he laid a finger on her.

He squinted to see what was truly happening, maybe it was in his imagination. But it wasn't, he blinked once and then twice. At the third time, he knew he was not seeing things and what was playing right before his eyes was real life.

“Lil--lilly?” His voice broke as he called out to his wife. His tone, barely audible as his lover continued to moan from every thrust of the man.

He reached for the switch and turned on the fluorescent light. It was only then that they turned around and acknowledged his presence.

They pulled apart but not as quickly as he had wanted them to. His wife bore no sign of guilt or shame from being caught in such a shameful display.

“Lilly, I… what is going on here? I don't understand.” He managed to bring his tone to compose words as his eyes fixed on his naked wife.

She let out a sigh as she reached for the blanket to cover up her bare body. Was she really hiding her nakedness from her own husband?

His eyes moved to the man who had just been inside his wife seconds ago and he had to squint to get a clearer look at him. “Mr Robertson?”

It was none other than his own boss who had threatened to fire him that very same day. He wasn't even sure if he had not been fired already but he cared less about that now.

How could he have no shame at all? Even if she wanted to cheat on him, why would she do it with his own boss?

They were both silent, still sitting close to each other on the bed.

Anger filled Ryan to the brim in an instant. “Why are you two treating me like I'm the one who isn't supposed to be here? What is– what the hell, babe?!”

“Oh don't babe me.” Lilly spat out. “I have nothing to say to you, you've seen it already and yes, you are the one who shouldn't be here.”

“Lilly…” tears welled up in Ryan's eyes. “Why? It's our anniversary today, I even got you a gift.”

“With the money I paid you,” Mr Robertson chipped in. He scoffed. “How embarrassing.”

Anger caused Ryan's hand to form to a fist. He glared daggers at the shameless man sitting next to his wife. “I'm going to kill you old man.”

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