Divorce Papers

Mr Robertson let out a loud mocking laughter. “You useless loser, do you really think I will be afraid of your words? I'm your boss, remember?”

“You fired me, remember?” Ryan said as he moved closer to the bed.

“Stop right there!” Lilly yelled out. “Don't you dare take another step closer to us or else I'll yell and get you in trouble.”

Ryan was dumbfounded, he was more than that even. He couldn't believe that those words of threat were coming from his very own wife.

Mr Robertson got dressed and rose to his feet. Talking bold steps towards Ryan who actually listened to his wife and stood still, he wore a wide proud grin on his face.

“Who's idea do you think it was to fire you from the very onset?” Mr Robertson asked Ryan.

Ryan's brow subconsciously arched. “What– what do you mean?”

“Pretty Miss Goldberg here was tired of living as a wife to a penniless fool like you and she knew that I could give her all she could ever need. But she believed that you would be a hindrance to our love so she asked me to fire you and well… I have to give my baby everything and anything that she wants.”

“No, no, stop trying to manipulate my mind.” Ryan said as he stepped back from his ex boss. “Lilly would never do something like that to me–”

“It's true.” Lilly cut him off.

Ryan felt like a vampire placed in the scorching hot sun, the pain growing inside him was like nothing he had ever felt before.

She rose from the bed and picked up her shirt that was lying on the floor. After putting it over herself, she fastened the button and walked towards Ryan as well. “I asked him to fire you.”

“But why?” Ryan felt tears prick at his eyes. “I– I thought you loved me.”

“Loved you? Hell no! I regret the day I chose to marry you. You know what makes me feel so sick? You are so comfortable living like this, a useless nobody who lives off his own wife and her family. Staring at you makes me want to throw up! That's how much I hate you!

“I could do so much better without you holding me back. I am so tired of having to put up with insults everywhere I go because my husband is a useless errand boy who can't even fend for himself!”

Her words felt like tiny knives thrown at his skin or like flames that immediately burnt through his skin.

He couldn't believe that for the past three years, he had been the only one in love. “Of all the days, why do you choose to do this to me today on our anniversary? I even got you that purse you've always wanted.”

“You really are a pathetic fool.” She shook her head with a frown on her face.

Mr Robertson placed his hand on Ryan's shoulder. “You don't have to take anything to heart, it isn't you, it's just your incapability to do anything right.”

Ryan seldom got angry because whenever he did, he always ended up losing control totally. He would care less who it was standing in front of him and now, he didn't even care that it was his shameless ex boss.

“Beg me and I'll give you your job back.” His shameless ex-boss added with a smile on his face.

All Ryan wanted to do was destroy the taunting smile. Which he did. Within the blink of an eye, he threw his fist at Robertson's face and broke the man's nose.

Blood trailed down his face and down to his clothes and fear swallowed him at once. “Ah! My nose! Ah!” He cried out.

Lilly hurried out of the room from fear to get help and soon returned with her parents and a few men from security.

By the time she returned, Mr Robertson was already lying on the ground covered in a red of his blood with Ryan towering over him.

The three buff men from the security team rushed into the scene to separate them and began to shower Ryan blows and kicks.

He fell to the ground, trying to protect his face with his hands as he groaned from the pain.

It almost felt like the blows and kicks didn't hurt as much as the fact that his own wife hurried to his ex boss to make sure he was okay while he was being pounced on.

“Enough.” She ordered the men and they stepped back from him.

“You pathetic fool!” Kelly, his mother in law spat out. An evil grin played on her face as she watched him on the ground. “How dare you act like an animal in my home?”

“We should kill him! Let me do it myself!” Mr Robertson angrily spat out as he lunged himself forward but one of the men from the security team held him back.

“Don't let poverty stain you,” Kelly said, “you shouldn't fight with a lowly animal like him. He's not worth your time.”

“You're right.” Mr Robertson agreed even though he knew a well built man like Ryan would beat the life out of him if they were left to duel.

All Ryan could do was grunt. His eyes were red with tears and anger and his face was sore with bruises while blood poured from his nose.

Lilly walked towards her wardrobe and took out a file then walked back to where he was laying. “Sign it and let's never see each other again.”

Ryan didn't understand what she meant by that. He managed to bring himself to seat up with the little strength he had in him. She flung the file at him and crossed her arms below her breast.

He picked it up and opened the file with a cough of blood. As he took out the file, his eyes widened with surprise as the heading of the file was written boldly in deep black ink. “DIVORCE.”

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