The Entire Jacob's Family

Ryan glanced at Logan, “tell me what I need to know.” 

Logan nodded his head. “There's a lot actually.” He reached for his bag that was placed on the table as he spoke. “Here with me are all of the files your grandfather left with me and they are all stated in his will. I shall read it out for you.” He cleared his throat but Teresa stopped him. 

“Uhm actually, I already placed a call and the rest of the family are on their way back home. They will be here any minute now and I would like us to read the will in front of everyone.” 

Logan nodded his head. 

“Oh!” Teresa jumped to her feet, “they are already here.” 

Ryan followed in her movements and rose to his feet. A beautiful woman who looked the same age as Teresa walked in with her head held high. Following behind her were two young boys the same age as Ryan and both of them were very handsome. 

One was with a bright smile as he saw Ryan and the other one spared him only a glance then looked away. 

Five more people followed, tailing behind each other. Two were full grown men old enough to be Ryan's father, another was a woman and the remaining two were young adults as Ryan. A boy and a girl. 

Some of them smiled at him while the others didn't look at him. He was already feeling intimidated. The only friendly face there was Teresa, his aunt. 

“Good afternoon everyone,” Teresa started with a gentle smile. “This is Ryan Jacobs, the only son and child Jerry and my sister, Victoria had. We have all been summoned here today to here from the family's butler and lawyer, Mr Logan Hayes. If you may?” She said as she sat herself down. 

Nobody knew the content of the late Mr Jacobs’ will therefore they could never contest to it. Of course, the women present wanted nothing but for their own children to take over the entire conglomerate out of greed but they all knew that the favorite grandchild had always been Ryan even when he was not present. 

Logan cleared his throat. “This is the will of the late Austin Jacobs, father of the late Jerry Jacobs, Mrs Priscilla Jacobs and Mr Samson Jacobs. To my beloved daughter, Priscilla, I leave my company in Paris to manage and the villa there as well, to my grandsons, Timothy and Preston, I leave a billion dollars each and the houses in Hawaii. To my dearest son, Samson, I leave my company in Japan. This will be easier for him due to his ability to speak theirs and many more languages. 

“To my favorite twin grandchildren, Maxine and Maxwell, I leave a billion dollars each as well for their upkeep. Everything else, I will to my dearest grandson, Ryan. I hope he is found but if unfortunately, he is not found, then everything willed to him should be willed to the second first child of the Jacobs family. 

“Every other company around the world will be under his control but his greatest supervision should be imposed on the origin of the Jacobs wealth, J cooperation, that is J hotel, J airport, J restaurant, J mall and everything else! The entire Jacobs conglomerate! I also will a trillion dollars to him for his personal upkeep.

“The Jacobs home shall remain a family home. Open to everyone connected to the Jacobs family. Also, I ask that the new owner of J conglomerate reward Teresa Cooper accordingly for her relentless effort in bringing him back to our family. This is my will. Signed by Austin Jacobs himself.” 

Logan Hayes dropped the paper down on the table and searched everyone's eyes for whoever wanted to contest to the will. As he had expected, someone wasn't satisfied with the way things had been shared. 

Priscilla's face hardened. “This is unfair!” She spat out angrily. “Why should someone who wasn't even a part of the family for so long take over everything that my own father worked for? Don't get me wrong kid, I don't hate you, I carried you when you were just a baby but don't you think this is unfair yourself?” She stared at Ryan as she spoke. 

Ryan suddenly felt tongue tied. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat as all eyes fell on him. 

“You are putting pressure on him, Priscilla, that is not right.” Teresa said as she rose to her feet. “He has nothing to do with how the will was shared and I don't see why you should be angry about this.” 

“Oh Darling, my darling Teresa, I'm not trying to put any pressure on the boy, he is already doing that himself! Can't you see?” She placed her hands on her hips firmly. “I'm just trying to say what everyone is thinking and I am in the place to voice out my opinion since I am the first child.” 

“Please, I need both of you to sit down.” Logan said. 

Priscilla glared at him. “You're just a butler, you have no say in this.” 

“With all due respect madam, I am also the lawyer in charge so please, sit down.” Logan responded with a stern expression. 

Ryan swallowed hard. 

Priscilla returned to her seat and only then did Teresa sit down as well. 

Logan cleared his throat. “Mr Jacobs had made things clear from the very beginning that his properties shall be inherited by his first son. Master Jerry should have been the one but he chose to serve the nation instead. So Mr Jacobs moved things by a generation, saying that his first grandson would inherit everything which happens to be master Ryan. No changes can be made to the will as of now or ever.” 

Priscilla was engulfed in rage but managed to suppress it. She knew there was nothing she could do about her gender but she wished she had brought the first grandson instead of her brother who deserved nothing. 

She clenched her fist in rage. 

Logan looked at everyone before speaking. “Since that has been settled, I believe it is time.” 

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