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His Biggest Secret Chapter 163
The collapse of the environment illusion spell caught everyone by surprise. The magic dissolved in a rapidly expanding wave, spreading outwards from Ikehorn's position. The Ogre and Henry fell to their knees, but Ikehorn remained standing and stared at the shocked expressions of the gathered people. He looked to Mab who sent a runner from the room, likely to confirm the illusion breaking wave remained within the chamber. There were a lot of illusions that needed maintaining in the rooftop castle. The room now showed its rich wood paneling. The walls were lined with bookshelves filled with the riches of the Queen's priceless library of books and ancient scrolls. These were just copies as the originals never left her castle in Ireland.Henry pushed himself up to his hooves and reached a hand down to the Guard. That one was blinking in confusion but pushed the offered hand away and managed to stand on his own. He gave Henry and Ikehorn a troubled look then walked away.Queen Mab approach
His Biggest Secret Chapter 164
Then her eyes caught sight of someone approaching that made her breath freeze in her chest. Ever since the... presumed death of Ra'Anek, she'd been expecting to encounter another member of his family. The 'spirit animal' race was an insular group, but they watched out for each other. Seeing who was approaching and knowing his reputation, she wished it was a different relative. She didn't know his real name as he never gave it out."Well met, Minister Hoek," the tall, handsome man with the crooked smile said. His piercing blue eyes locked on hers.She leaned forward and pitched her voice for his ears only. "Greetings, Huehuecóyotl! I- I wasn't expecting to see you here!" She looked around. "But then, I wasn't expecting to see any of these guests!" she admitted.The tall man smiled as he looked around. "Coyote is fine. Yes, our host is up to something. Something with great potential to cause social upheaval. I couldn't not attend as I'm drawn to such events." He glanced around. "This ce
His Biggest Secret Chapter 165
Mab's smile lit up her face as she heard his agreement. She stood and took his hands to pull him to his hooves. "Oh, what fun we're going to have!" She began to pull him towards a set of ornate double doors at the far side of the room.Henry glanced over his shoulder toward the elevator. "Shouldn't we be joining the party- uh, orgy?""We will, my eager boy! But first, we'll start in my chambers."His body was already beginning to react to her soft hands on his, the promise in her eyes, and the happy smile on her lips. But the reaction didn't include the heat. "Th-that's not going to trigger the pheromones," he gasped as they entered the bedroom. His eyes went immediately to the bed. Tall and thick mahogany pillars rose from the four corners of the plush mattress. The sheets looked so inviting, only Mab's purring drew his attention away from them."I don't think I'll have any trouble triggering the proper kind of reaction from you," she said with a wicked grin. She drew Henry to the en
His Biggest Secret Chapter 166
When the Succubus pulled back from the kiss, she stared at her sister across Henry's chest. Something passed between them as the second one quickly leaned over to kiss Henry too. She was a little more forceful than her sister, but Henry was immediately caught up in her passion and moaned into the kiss. She made mewing noises as her sister had. She tugged on his arm to slide his hand under her body.Henry jolted when he felt the hot, slick softness of her wet pussy pressing against his fingers. When his other hand was pressed up against the wet opening of the other Succubus, Mab lifted his cock to position it for entry. It was suddenly too much, and the pheromone glands tingled fiercely, and his heat exploded out along his limbs.The twins cried out as Henry slid a thick finger into each of them as they inhaled his pheromones. Their heat burst forth as well as they clung feverishly to his arms.Under the triple onslaught of their scents, Mab lost strength in her legs and dropped onto H
His Biggest Secret Chapter 167
Marisa surfaced from her sleep and saw Nate sitting and dozing next to her bench. He had an arm resting across her protectively. She recalled their previous night's activities and smiled. He was a very skilled lover, and with no danger of altering her with his essence, he was finally able to relax and enjoy it thoroughly. They hadn't used a condom and Nate was so expressive about how amazing she was, she finally had to kiss him to shut him up. She chuckled at the memory, and his head popped up as he looked to her."What? Are you ok?" he asked in concern."I'm fine. Feeling better even," Marisa said with a smile. She spotted Tish walking over in her Human disguise with a smile on her face, so she sat up. Nate stood and stretched the kinks out of his back."How are you feeling?" the tall brunette asked gently.Marisa nodded. "I feel fine. Just a little tired. Nothing a good night's sleep won't cure."Sandy came running over, and Marisa couldn't get over how different she looked with Hum
His Biggest Secret Chapter 168
Tish considered him for a moment. "You said it yourself. Henry changed you. You aren't the same person who did those things, and you expressed remorse for doing them. I can also forgive you as my life now is so much better than it was before. Thank you for healing me."Ikehorn nodded shakily and fell behind a little so he could wipe his eyes, unseen by the others. This swelling of emotions was another gift from Henry. Before, the strongest sentiment he'd felt was hate and even that he had to work at to maintain. The depth of the feelings he was able to access now? Overwhelming! It was like... he was suddenly seeing the world in color for the first time.Then he caught Baba Yaga glancing back at him. She frowned then looked ahead. A chill ran down his spine. How could this... being have raised someone like Henry?And why was she here now?-=-When Mab threw the two Succubi from the bed, Camila moved from her hiding place. Keeping low, she rushed forward and reached the first one just a
His Biggest Secret Chapter 169
They heard the sound of glass bells tinkling then there was a brilliant silver and green flash before the vast chamber plunged into darkness as every energy field collapsed simultaneously.Another bright flash exploded outwards in a wave from Baba, filling the Great Hall with its light before the room went dark once more."What was that?" Sigrid asked."Something to keep the Humans unconscious for a few hours. That should be enough time for you to find a way to deal with them," Baba growled."Don't you mean 'for us to find a way'?" Sigrid asked from the darkness.Then began the wailing of the newborn infants.Sigrid called for her armor, and the white light painted the area around her. Baba was gone. Coyote, as well. "Shit!""The Ferals! She took them!" Camila gasped."She did warn us to leave them alone," Roy muttered.Mahati stepped forward, muttering under her breath, and began to touch the sofas as she walked by them. Her spell caused them to glow softly, illuminating their occupa
His Biggest Secret Chapter 170
He shook his head. "Far more damning, you're physically endangering someone I consider important to me."She looked at him. "Who?" She shook her head as it came to her. "You can't mean the infant? She's a stranger to you! She can't-""I watched her grow, and I witnessed her birth. She's part of me! Of course, she's important to me. She's my daughter!"Mab looked at him with a strange, angry and anxious expression. She finally shook her head. "You're lying about her importance to you." She gave her head an angry shake then pushed the thoughts from her head. "No!"She slipped from the bed and pranced over to her closet to find a gown. "It is so refreshing to go without a glamor and look this good!" She stepped out of the room.Henry looked across to his... daughter and his heart began to pound. He had to save her. She couldn't die! Not when she was just born. Not like this!Gritting his teeth, he began to pull on his bindings with everything he had. He recalled Sigrid saying he didn't k
Latest Chapter
Chapter 229
They stopped at the guardhouse where a startled looking soldier stared at them, then just waved them through. They returned to the building with the auditorium. The Colonel, the General, Hugh, and the lab coats were waiting for them. Corporal Dane handed the camera back to the technician, who accepted it excitedly. He immediately reviewed the recording and made excited sounds to his colleagues.The General was trying to school his expression but wasn't too successful."How... how are you feeling, son?" he asked softly from his tight throat.The big marine saluted him with a wide smile. "I feel really good, sir! So much better than I was after the explosion and maybe better than my best day."Hugh's expression was satisfied. "I know a lot of other soldiers who might appreciate the same chance."Mick stepped forward. "Sir, what we saw today was just short of a miracle. His body rejected the conversion, and we almost lost him. The injury he sustained created a break in the flow, and he a
Chapter 228
Gordon took in the ribbons pinned to the marine's dress uniform. He'd done some pretty impressive things in his career. He stepped forward and returned the man's salute. "I'm Colonel Gordon Crane.""Gunnery Sergeant Christopher Endale."Gordon smiled and gestured to the soldiers, who were now all smiling at him. "I suppose your security clearance has been escalated to allow you to witness this, so let me introduce you to my squad. Up until yesterday, they were a group of highly trained human soldiers. We were charged with capturing a small group of Silver People. Instead, my people got turned into Silver People themselves. They're still the same soldiers, but you can't really call them human any longer. Not that they've complained.""We can run so fast!" Yablonski gushed.The squad burst into chuckles, and the marine's eyes widened at the odd sound."Maybe discipline has been affected," Crane grumbled, and his squad snapped to attention as the argument was over and the two men returne
Chapter 227
"I'm not at my peak either. I had to use a fair amount to deal with Carl de Bellisle. But I don't intend to fight Nuru. I don't want her job!" she exclaimed.Sigrid snorted in amusement, and the phone chirped. Camila pressed the button. "Yes?""Your 9 AM is here," Felix said."Thank you. Please send them in."Sigrid stood to face the door as Camila joined her. "Remember our visit to Walter's cavern?" the blond asked quietly, and Camila nodded as she smiled at Nuru, who strode in with her bodyguards at her sides. They shut the door.The waves of energy radiating from the leader confirmed Camila's guess that she'd been overfeeding in preparation for this meeting. She sighed, as in contrast, Camila held back on her output the best she could. She forced a smile onto her lips."Greetings, Nuru Onwudiwe," Camila began and bowed her head to the other woman."Camila Villamor, you are not presenting the excess of power you did the other night," Nuru snapped.Camila looked up and nodded. "As I
Chapter 226
Keeping the destination drop zone in his mind, he opened the tear, and Henry fell through to drop three feet to the grass below. The back of his head landed on the small brass commemorative plate bolted to the stone next to the bushes. Xiong winced but quickly closed the tear as he saw the beam of a flashlight approaching.He hoped their friend was okay as they'd asked so much from him. He looked back to the pile of charred remains. Something shiny caught his attention. It was up where Henry's head had been. Xiong reached down and lifted the crystal ganglion from the ground. His body must have rejected it after he was healed.Xiong couldn't inform Henry that he no longer had their transplanted capacity to wield magic. He also had no idea how Henry got it out yet completed his spell.He looked to the others. "We will bury these remains in the forest glade to honor our friend, Henry."A feeling of joy and love washed through him from the others. The Glass People loved the idea, as they
Chapter 225
He felt Xiong withdrawing, and through the magic in him, he picked up snippets of a conversation Xiong was having with all of the other Glass People. The volume was a bit overwhelming as there were so many voices, and they were upset. They seemed to be talking about making him a Glass Person because of his injuries. To save him. Xiong was trying to tell them it wouldn't work as he'd already been subjected to the same energies, and he wasn't glass now.Henry was beginning to get seriously worried. How badly was he hurt? He felt someone close by and reached out to the mind. It was one of the Silver People.It physically touched him, and he linked minds with the young female. Concepts and perceptions were flowing through their link. She was sad. She'd heard he was the hero who'd saved all of the people on this planet and many on Earth. He imagined looking through her eyes at him, and she allowed it.He saw his Human glamor, and he looked no worse for wear. That was a relief. He dropped t
Chapter 224
Crane shrugged. "I might have gotten more information, but Palmer's team decided to make his attempt at capturing my team.""You informed your team to run. They're now on the loose," Palmer asserted."No, they've gone to ground and will contact me tomorrow. They're still my squad. They remain devoted to the mission, as do I," Gordon asserted."But they won't come in," Baines growled."Yes, they'll come in, but not if they're going to be experimented on. Fully human soldiers would behave the same way under this threat, and there's no need for it. They've already proven they'll tell us everything we need to know." He locked eyes with the General. "Having a squad of bulletproof soldiers able to move faster than we can register with our eyes gives us one hell of an advantage, wouldn't you say? And remember, we know how to make more."That got through to the man."I'd personally like to speak to one of these Silver People," said the man with the crooked smile.Crane nodded. "We saw a repor
Chapter 223
"Status report, Mick," Crane commanded through his mic. Their radios were shielded, so they still worked.The sergeant was still a little overwhelmed by the shared emotions, but she pulled it together and answered. "Colonel. The pseudo-clouds appear to be dead. The strike zone of the last prolonged bolt is too energized for us to enter. In the center of this zone is a body. We can't get close enough to make a positive identification or to determine if the person is alive or not. It looks to be a male based on body shape and clothing. The area is sprouting new growth unnaturally fast. Grasses and flowers are actually growing before our eyes. The four Silver People we met in Tennessee were here before we arrived, and they showed us how lightning affects the plant life where it strikes."And how exactly did they do that?" Crane asked, weariness in his tone.Mick felt a little uneasy with what she was about to confess, but she pushed ahead. "Uh, it seems we can speak mind to mind if we ho
Chapter 222
As he got closer, he could feel every hair on his body beginning to stand on end. Little sparks were jumping between the strands, and he could taste something metallic. The rain was picking up, as was the wind, and soon he was drenched. The closer Henry got, the brighter the sparks snapping across his body became. It felt like his entire body was being pricked by pins and needles. The woman suddenly looked up at him and stopped with a look of fear on her face, clutching her child to her side.Henry looked closely at her and realized her hair was as soaked as his, but hers wasn't attracting the sparks at all.He looked past the woman and saw the tiny sparks leaping through the gap between himself and the approaching storm. He was a lightning rod! FUCK! He had to get away from her and the children! He spotted two young men running by."STOP!" he roared, and they froze in fear. "Help her get her children to cover!" he ordered, and they rushed to her and got her moving, one pushing her ca
Chapter 221
"Shit!" Crane exclaimed.Sam looked at his friends then back to the Colonel. "These things duking it out over a city would not be good. I don't know what effect the lightning would have on people, but I can't imagine it would be good." A sudden pang of guilt made him look to the new Silver People they'd made. "You should know, we get our energy from the lightning. I guess it's how we eat."Jake scowled at Sam, but he just shrugged. He wasn't about to let them starve to death.Brenda and Jeannie went back into the barn and returned with handfuls of the silver strips, handing them out to the soldiers. Brenda took the remaining strips back to the barn when they no longer melted into the soldier's skin."We have to leave," the Colonel said, looking at Sam."That's cool with us. It's up to you what happens to your people. We're just going to keep running as that's what feels best. We won't interfere with you. I'd like to ask that you do the same for us, but maybe you don't have that author