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16 Years ago "Zene don't you think it's unfair?", Natsuki said as he looked outside while his mind was filled with the thoughts regarding the news related to mafia related crimes. "You mean the human trafficking that occurs here" "Yes" Natsuki said as he threw the paper on the table in frustration. Zene looked at the headlines as emerging mafia groups had been doing all sorts of filthy work to get a spot in the underworld. "It's always the new groups that do this stuff" "All of that just for a chance to sit on a false throne", Natsuki replied. "Yes, that's what we call power Natsuki" "Foolish, Power...Back then this very exact power I had made me choose 5 individuals and I sacrificed thousands in a war", Mikoyama told while he grumbled. "I have always been this way, creating weapons of destruction in a hope to protect my loved ones but end up harming them because of these very weapons I created for their sake" "Was it really a good end just because the apparent good won?",
His Metamorphosis Martial Artist
April 1990 "Attention!", The major commanding the new recruits in the Charlie unit yelled. "Today, you will meet your new master" "One of you shall be lucky enough to embark on a journey with this man right here, one of you shall be lucky enough to learn the ways of his martial arts", the major added."His name is Master Tai Jin" The dusty wind flew across the riverbank as the children in the camp were forced to close their eyes shut. But amongst them there was one child who looked unfazed as he glared at the tall master who had a long black hair while his sister covered herself in fear behind her little brother. The master glanced at the young boy who was different compared to the rest. And this child's fierce presence put a gentle smile on the master's face. Tai Jin was a man who was once filled with greed, a man so selfish and ruthless that he did everything to attain the perfection that he was so aspiring of.A man who had attained such mastery was now willing to have a suc
His Metamorphosis A skinny boy
[Zene Lach, That body of his...] [It somehow feels connected to the fragment of eternity] As if the greatest fragment was connecting all the loose threads of the story he wished to understand why the future events during the scenarios happened the way they did while analysing the present events happening in front of him.[I didn't notice it when I resurrected him but maybe he is the key to reach the first way] The greatest fragment wondered as he rolled the chess pieces that he had lost in the process. That one being that was existing solely for fulfilling his purpose was once a mortal himself. [...] For his role was to oversee the events so that they happen in his favour, such was his destiny in the end he had lost his humanity to become the greatest fragment. Ring* Students rushed out to the corridor as soon as the class ended. Amidst the chattering noises Zene approached Aren and put a brochure in front of her. "What is this?", Aren asked as she looked at the brochure."L
His Metamorphosis Zene is my neighbour
"Zene, Show me your room", Aren asked bluntly. Zene looked back at her and examined her as he squinted his eyes to see if he could find something suspicious. "What? You came to my room it's only fair for me to check yours!", Aren stated. "I was just staring, women" "Calm down", he added. "Hmm, where are my keys again?", Zene said as he started searching his pockets. Zene leaned forward coming really close to Aren's face as he tickled her ears slightly to pull out keys from her ears. "Those tricks are the ones that surprised me back in my childhood, now it is simply useless against me", Aren stated. "Hmm, So you do remember a part of your childhood", Zene said as he started unlocking the door. "That's good to know that you did not forget everything", Zene added. "Hey, did you know me before?", Aren inquired as her eyes darkened. "Hmm, Yeah back when you threw me on the ground on your first day of school", Zene mocked. Aren remained silent as if she had expected a different
His Metamorphosis Crimes of the night
Cricket buzzing intensify* "Palo, someone wants to have a word with you", Eduardo said as he lent Palo an old-school touchpad phone over to him. "Yes, We have arrived here" Mphmm* Mmm* "Shhhh!",Palo silenced a man who was tied up and had bruises all over his face. "I will get the job done" Eduardo reached out to Palo as he broke the phone and returned it to him. "So, how long is this vacation of yours", Eduardo inquired. Palo looked back at Eduardo as he bit his dry lips. "Three months" "Well, we better get moving then", Eduardo replied . "First, what are we gonna do with this guy infront of us" Mphmm* Mmm* "Remove the cloth from his mouth" "Please, Spare me!" "He is saying you to spare h-", Eduardo was trying to translate it to Palo but got shushed in between. "I know what he means, when an animal is trembling in fear all it can hope for is a chance to survive their end" "They have this look that is truly more exhilarating than that of a beautiful young lady" Palo p
His Metamorphosis Was it you?
2011 It was the coming of the spring as the children in the orphanage moved the fruit bags out of the basement to the kitchen. While all were working to gather rations for the meal, two young children snuck out to the playground. The petals of Sakura covered the playground as the two children laid on the pink ground and smiled at each other. "Aren, I want to become a grown man soon" "Why? Why would you want to grow up so quickly Jin?" "Nanny told me that if I grew up quickly one day I could become someone really big and would be able to protect you, maybe if I did I could be your bride!" "You would never be my bride" "Why not? Why can't I be your bride Aren" "If you wish to grow up and become a man you would be a groom dummy" "Then let me be your groom then!", Jin stated. "No!" "Ehhh" "Anyways, I have to tell you about this game I learnt about recently. It's called Chopsticks", Jin said out of enthusiasm as he pointed his index finger towards Aren. "Chopsticks?" "Yes, y
His Metamorphosis His father
2002 It was the winter season as the blizzard worsened and the roads turned slippery and difficult to travel on. I was driving the Pclaren P1 that I recently bought after being successful in showbiz. They call me Mr.Z instead of Zene now, that's so weird to call someone with one letter. Sigh* Vroom* I gently brushed my long hair that was blocking my eye sight and thought back at what I did recently. I came to Korea a place far away from the US and it would definitely be a safe place for her to grow up at. Now that I think of it, was it right to put her in an orphanage when I could have clearly provided her luxury from what I had earned? No, It's for her good. That white haired bastard must have put someone on my tail by now. Especially because of how calm the events have been lately. Sigh* Zene was lost in thought as he was driving in the snow on cold tires. The stability of the car was not up to the mark and just then a truck from the opposite direction hit him in a head
His Metamorphosis Misfortune before a match
"Zene why do you always look like a zombie after waking up every morning" "I don't sleep because I can't keep my eyes off your face" "As if, that is real", Yi So Yeon said mockingly. "You can't believe what I say now that you look beautiful?", Zene replied. "Yeah yeah, keep talking you can't fool me with your words", Aren said as she ignored Zene's words. Sigh* "What happened?", Aren inquired. "We have a basketball match for the boys today" "Hmm, good luck then" Zene realized that his actions yesterday that he took spontaneously might affect today's match results. Aren and Zene sat at their usual seats as they wondered about the events that happened yesterday. For one wished to know their past while the other tried to cover his. Sang Cheol came with a fractured hand and was wearing a splint to immobilize the fractured part. "What happened to your hand?", Yi So Yeon inquired. "Just tripped over a rock and happened to fall on my wrist", Sang Cheol replied. "How big of a r
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All the paths line up
"I created you, Zene", Trotsky replied. "You and Aliyonah both were my creations that I brought up in a lab" "While I never gave her any memories after her creation but the same I couldn't have possibly applied on you" "I needed you to have those memories, I needed you to be ready when the time came" "I threw the both of you in that military camp, because it was what I was supposed to do" Zene looked at him while his eyes narrowed down. "Those memories of yours, all of them were a lie" "A fabricated story" Zene fell on the cold snow, his body started trembling while he couldn't reason with the storm of emotions that ran inside of him. He cuddled himself while tears ran down from his eyes. Zene felt like a failure, he lost the one thing that reminded him that he was not just a weapon but once may have been a human as well. {Zene it is better to die as a human than as a weapon, don't you think} Natsuki's words did no better, his mind was not reasoning. {Zene, wh
A fatal lie
Huff Puff Agent opened his eyes only for him to look at a surreal landscape. Volcanoes erupted from the ground, craters that spanned kilometers wide. Oceans that soared hundred feet high and the world that we once knew was in a state of apocalypse. Creatures that defied science, the world turned closer to fantasy than reality. His skin started sweating while the heat suffocated him. He looked around to find a giant monster stand in front of him, a being with one eye, it's span crossing hundred meters wide and standing as tall as an empire state building. He looked at the monster as it now faced him. With a single breath of that monster his body dissipated to thin dust. Huff Puff Agent woke up as he layed on the snow. He looked around as his hazy vision turned clear. There he was Vladamir Trotsky standing in front of him while Lisa herself was knocked unconscious. Agent layed on the ground with no strength left in his body to get up. "What was that thing tha
A prophet's way
The cold winds brushed past their faces with the freezing cold that turned their lips numb. While their muscles ached on top of the lack of air made it difficult to carry forward with the luggage strapped behind their backs. "Zene did you bring the oxygen cylinders?", Lisa inquired. Zene stopped and dropped the heavy bag on the ground. "Take it, We need to move quickly before the sun sets", Zene stated while he looked at the peak that was hundreds of meters ahead of them. Huff Puff "I feel light in the head as well", Agent replied. "We need to move quickly to find some shelter before the cold gets the best out of us", he added. "Zene, you were the one that carried all the load" "How are you still standing still?", Agent inquired. "I keep my body under equilibrium while I maintain control on my fragment" "I see", Agent looked ahead of them. "Are you done, Lisa?", Agent asked out loud. "Yeah, let's go", she puffed one last time before she retracted the oxygen cy
Our Reunion
Cling Clang A guard approached the solitary cell and opened the heavy metal door open. The place was drak with no lighting on the inside, there he was the man in question groaning at the flash of bright light onto his sunken eyes. "Dimitri Popov, I have some questions for you", Zene stated with a smile on his face. Screech* Zene closed the metal door and placed a lamp for lighting the room. "Never saw a guard like you, must be a new one", Dimitri murmured. "It wouldn't be a stretch if I told you that I came all this way for you", Zene replied. "I am but a lifer that has been serving in this prison for fifty years, what use would I be to a young handsome man such as you, sir." With wrinkles all over his face and the sunken eyes alongside his tired expressions spoke more words than any stories told by the inmates in the lunch hours. "What brought an old man such as you down into these dark rooms?", Zene inquired. "You refuse to work for the warden and he throws you
Butyrka Prison
"What do you mean by that?", Aren inquired while she sat on the table. Sigh* "I will not answer any questions related to you, do you understand that?", Trotsky grumbled. "When you told my father to find his path, his purpose did you mean something?" "Your father, he wished to find the reason behind his existence and that's when he came up with an idea" "Natsuki! We did it, We discovered a new element!!!", Mokshith yelled out loud out of joy. "Guys, Guys I have something to tell", Natsuki calmed the boys down. "Now that we have finished our last project, I think I want to move on to the next phase of my life" "Where are you headed to, Natsuki?", Trotsky inquired. "I have decided to go on a journey around the world to find my purpose" "You want us to come along?", Mokshith inquired. "He meant to go alone on this journey, Mokshith", Trotsky replied. "Ah, that sucks" "We have finished all the projects that we dreamed of building, didn't we?", Natsuki stated. "..
Our salvation
"You should get some sleep, Mokshith", Trotsky suggested while he wiped his face dry. "I can stay up a bit longer", he replied while looking at the ward inside which natsuki was bedridden. "I hope he wakes up soon", Mokshith stated. "He will anytime now", Trotsky murmured quietly. Huff Puff Natsuki woke up from that everlasting nightmare only for him to look at the attire of his inside the hospital. His face was covered in bandages, his entire body was covered in cloth to heal his burn wounds. Natsuki gasped for air as he looked around to find a nurse stare at him with popped out eyes. "Doctor!", the nurse screamed out loud. Huff Puff Natsuki looked around as his hazy vision started to clear up. There they were men that he once knew stood in front of him with worried eyes. "Are you okay?" "Natsuki can you hear me?", Mokshith yelled out loud. Their voices were muffled and his ears were constantly ringing. He looked at the white room with bright lights fl
Dream- 2026
Glug Glug A young child was caged within a glass container, the boy couldn't open his eyes nor could he move his body. Zene gasped as he woke up from the same nightmare. "So you finally woke up, huh", Lisa stared at Zene who was gasping to get some fresh air. "What time is it?", Zene groaned. "It's 11 am and Agent drove us near to the prison while you slept all night", Lisa replied. "Where is he?", Zene inquired. "He should come back any moment now" "Guys get out of the car", Agent pulled out a suitcase that cared their essentials. "Where are you going?", Zene asked. "We will be staying inside the hotel for a day or two", Agent replied. Sigh* Lisa fell on the soft bed and began stretching her body for some comfort. Moan* "Stop making weird sounds", Zene grumbled. "Does it excite you, my boy?", Lisa chuckled. "Piss off" "Zene, shall we take a look at the jail?", Agent inquired while he brought out a file related to the target. "Right let's get it over
An everlasting dream
As soon as we arrived at the church we saw a couple kissing each other. And that's when I first saw Natsuki cry. "That's Clara", he murmured. "Who, I can't see any girl nearby", Mokshith squinted for better view. "Is she the one that kissed that guy" "Yeah", Natsuki looked gloomy while tears trickled down from his eyes. "I did everything I could man" Natsuki glared at the couple unaware of his presence. "And some random guy comes in and takes her away with little to no effort" His veins popped as he glared at them with his teeth gritting against one another. "It's unfair" "Natsuki, Listen man you need to chill out", Mokshith tried to calm him down. Natsuki went through hell day after day and not once did his fragment respond. But today, his fragment took over him. [Fragment of Origin] His body was covered in weird tattoo marks with flesh burning from within him. "Natsuki, is that you?", Clara inquired as she got a little closer for a better view from th
"How will I produce such energy, Vladamir?", Natsuki asked out of confusion. "So, first up we have to start things back from square one" "You need to remove all the knowledge that you had behind, do you understand?", Trotsky added. "Yeah explain it to us", Mokshith replied. "So, do you know what fragments both of you possess, gentlemen?" "I possess the fragment of light, am I correct?", Mokshith replied. "That is correct" "And you Natsuki" "Me?" "I don't think I ever felt this thing that you call fragments" Sigh* "That's really weird, all of your kind should be able to sense it, do you feel anything weird inside your body?" Natsuki paused momentarily as he tried to sense something within him. His concentration was all diverted towards his torso in an attempt to sense this feeling or presence of the fragments. As he explored through the darkness, Natsuki witnessed two flame orbs revolving around one another. "Do you see it, Natsuki?" "I can see flames and that's about i