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His Prophesy It hurts
Asher had gone to meet up with Cian so they could head for lunch together but on reaching Cian's class, Cian was nowhere near there. He followed Cian's scent that led him to a familiar direction, it was the same direction he followed when he was searching for Cian after after he ditched the begining of semester part with Tyler. From a reasonable distance he saw Cian sitting down with someone, with a closer look it was Tyler. He felt his skin prickle, 'Then you are what?' he heard Cian ask Tyler, he could hear their conversations thanks to his hyper-hearing. He was about vamping to them before he felt a set of cold long fingers wrapped around his wrist holding him back, the fingers were chilling cold, only vampires felt that cold. He turned to see who it was, Sean, the most temperate one, shaking his head, disregarding Asher from going towards them. Asher noticed their conversation stop, turning back to them, he and Tyler's eyes met for a moment, he felt the rage building up insid
His Prophesy Jessica's Party
The evening breeze was cool since it was almost winter, Jessica stepped out of the mansion and was greeted by the cold breeze. She had planned this party as part of the plan for their mission success. She came up with the fake birthday party, she could grant the mission success and increase her popularity at the same time, killing two birds with one stone. Shannon was ready to opt out of the mission if they didn't assure Karin's safety. Trevor loves to party, he planned to attend the party for the fun but he was turned off when Jessica informed that the birthday party was a jazz party. Jessica favorite music are jazz and classics, even if it was a fake birthday party, it got to be all about her. Nadia was to stay back to save energy for next part of the plan or well, that's what Jessica thought. Jessica had leaked out information about the party been a jazz party, she wasn't expecting to see people but want to miss a high class party. Jessica and Shannon arrived at the venue, Spark
His Prophesy Awkward Situation
'The party was crazy, I didn't know you were a good dancer's Shannon complemented Nadia, they finally got home. After the party ended, they realize that Jessica had left with the car, leaving them stranded. Spark Bar was further away from their home, too tried to use their abilities, their only option was to ask for a lift. At first, it felt embarrassing until Raymond offered, they couldn't reject it since it was their only option. They stepped into the mansion, closing the door behind them, Jessica laid on the sofa as usual, swaying her legs on one of it's arms, scrolling through her phone. Actually, she was going through some post on Navstar (supernatural world instagram), most of the trending post was video and pictures of Nadia dancing, some clips showed Raymond and Clint dancing in the chorography. There was another clip that briefly showed Cian wrapping his arms around Sean shoulder, moving Sean lazy body to dance. It's was obvious that Cian was enjoyed himself in the party bu
His Prophesy A dream come true
As they sat in that awkward position, he felt Asher's arm leave his waist, he thought that Asher had finally let him go half of him wanted to stand up and the other half felt like leaning into Asher embrace. Before his mind could decide, he felt Asher's fingers run through hair like comb.'You still don't dry your hair well' Asher said 'It's stressful to dry' Cian saidCian had long forgotten he was annoyed with Asher, but tried to get angry with him but no avail. He suddenly remembered how Asher had ignored him at the party and it hurts more than when it happened maybe because they were alone or maybe because he's sitting comfortably on his lap, he didn't know but it still hurts. 'Why have you been avoiding me? why did you ignore me?' Cian said, trying not to his hurts show on his voice. Asher had easily read Cian's body language and knew that Cian was hurt but he couldn't help the temptation of running his fingers through Cian fluffy hair. 'Asher, answer me!' Cian said slapping
His Prophesy Cutting a deal
'We got an address, that's a start' Cian said, looking at the piece of paper in his hand. 'At a cost' Clint said remembering what they had to go through to persuade Headmaster Sebastian. *****Asher's eyes were blazing red, Headmaster Sebastian's attitude towards the topic disgusted him, his breath was getting heavy aa anger filled his mind. The next thing he knew, he was pinning Headmaster Sebastian to the nearest wall, the paperwork had scattered on the ground and Headmaster Sebastian's table and trolling chair were disorganized. Asher had angrily vamped towards the headmaster knocking everything out of the way, he was so fast that nobody saw it coming. 'Asher!' Fun said both surprised and shocked at Asher's action, he knew vampire were fast but he didn't know that Asher was faster, it was like he disappeared and reappeared in front of Headmaster Sebastian. Headmaster Sebastian smirked at the angry Alpha pinning him to the wall which gained him a questionable look from Asher.
His Prophesy The Spar
Damon had came to his regular bar in the evening, the usual loud music, drunks shouting, playing drinking games didn't distract his trail of thoughts, some had passed out even when it wasn't yet six. It has been five years since everything happened he wasn't the one that killed the twins but it was his fault, he had this thoughts every day you woked up. He believe he wasn't worthy of happiness or a family or even a friend, that's why he decided to disappear without a trace. But there was a certain someone who always stood by him even when he tried to push him away, he had to come in terms with the fact that this certain someone will always be involved in his life. He can't say that it doesn't miss having this certain someone around but he can't be happy he has no right to that privilege. It was his fault that his twin brother and those twins are dead it would have been better if he took his life and end all the pain and suffering of his miserable life and join his brother and the twi
His Prophesy What Sebastian wants
The dagger became red hot and lengthened to the size of a sword them he aimed at Cian's heart and striked, 'No!!!' Clint and Asher shouted in unison.Suddenly a strong wind came from Clint's direction towards Damon, the strong wind threw Damon far away from Cian. He looked at Clint who looked more surprised than him, he was staring at his hand in disbelieve, wondering how came out in the first place. Asher who was the closest to Cian, wasted no time to vamp to him, wrapping his arm around him, Cian began to stir awake. The first thing Cian saw was Asher's worried face, he raised his arm and used his index finger to press the space between Asher's brows, removing the furrow and smiled innocently. Cian dreamingly looked at the sky, it was almost dark, that's when he realized that they weren't at home and doesn't remember how he ended up in Asher's arms.'What happened?' Cian freed himself and sat up, he felt a mild headache"Did I hit my head?" he thought rubbing his temple before tu
His Prophesy Astra
A portal opened in front of two men who are dressed as security guards, the guards have been lazing around, playing card games. They stood straight at the sight of portal that look like a scene out of a movie. They saw a young man with glasses emerge from the portal carrying a guy in his arms, he looked at the security guards in irrigation. he was followed by another young man with a shoulder length brown hair and goofy smile, a girl emerge last and the portal close behind her. the security guards pointed their guns at them, Sean was about to take a step forward."if you take another step I'm going to shoot "one of the security guards threatened, he was blood and had a scar stretched from his cheek to his jaw. the other security guard seemed new in that kind of work and was fidgeting, I knew they weren't ordinary. Sean didn't mind the threat and took a step forward earning him a bullet from the blood man. before the bullet reached Sean, Raymond vamped to the front and cut the bulle
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Cian was going through some old shit in Clint's room, he brought out two old boxes that laid in the closet. On top of each of them was his and brother's name boldly written. He opened the one belonging to him, it was full of some old toys and some pictures that consisted of him, his brother and parents, some had his friends in it. He found a picture that showed him laying his head on Asher's lap and Asher had his fingers tugging on his hair. At the bottom of the box was a crystal globe, he fancied it and kept it in his room, on his study table. On the night of the bonfire, before the arrival of Karin and the rest, the crystal globe glowed and Cian saw a young face, a girl. She had sky blue eyes and blonde hair, 'Unicorn tears' she in amusement before she stood up and left.==============The young blonde girl left the crying young unicorn and ran to an old castle which was close by. She has spent her whole life calling this home. Her parents werr in the garden, they seemed to be in
His Prophesy: Is this the end?
Chapter 51: His Prophesy Jessica traced Nadia's mother in the human world with the help of one of their coven elders. She told her the changes in Nadia and how it affects their plan and she promised to do something about it. Yetunde, Nadia's mother went to her altar and chanted a spell continuously, it made her have control of her creation, not her daughter but the beast she created inside her daughter. When Nadia was eight, in she began an experimental soccerey on her, destroying her childhood and replacing it with pain, screams and truama.'I can't swim, I was taught how to' Nadia answered to Cian question if she could swim.'Even during your childhood?' Cian said and made a light wave with his feet. 'No, I had to help my mother' Nadia said pushing out the painful memories of her childhood, the way she screamed as a result of what her mother made her eat and drink. 'Beware of Jessica she said from nowhere brewing some mix feelings in Cian. 'Take it and kill me, you don't deserve
Who truly is Nadia II
Chapter 50: Who truly is Nadia II'Human blood'?' Clint said in shock and Asher nodded which made the horror in Clint's eyes deepen. They were in the headmaster office, it was the safest place Raymond could think of, Asher and Sean reported to the office to explain the situation while Karin took Astra to the school hosiptal. Asher showed them his hand that t was still covered in blood. Arnold was also in the office, he magically remove every single drop of the blood on Asher's hand and moved them to a glass cup which was in front of Sebastian, he had previously drank blood with it. 'It's really human blood' Sebastian said after taking a sip. 'That's saying the beast is human' Cian said 'Definitely a witch' Asher stated'There wasn't any breakin ?' Sebastian said 'Then we have an internal enemy' Clint added and sighed 'What spell has such effect?' Sean asked 'Beast Manifestation' A voice answered. They all turned to the direction of the voice, it was the same elegant looking man
Who truly is Nadia
'Read up on edible herbs concoction, we'll be using he portion lab for our next class, I hope you all know the location, have a nice day' Professor Sullivan said and left the class. He taught Healing portion classes, the class which was derived from Portion Class and was optional. Only Cian and Sean among the School Kings took this class. Clint and Raymond opt out from any optional class with the excuse that it was too much work but they were still among the top 10 in the Academy. Sean rank top one in the Academy, Asher doesn't care about grade or even bother to study but Top 8 has always been his place. They seem like the perfect students that every parent would wish they had but they still felt haunted, felt like their present happiness is for a limited time. 'Cian' Nadia called and followed behind Cian who left the classroom and was about heading to the buffet hall for lunch. Cian felt someone behind him and turned, 'It's you Nadia, you should said something' Cian said with a fr
The girl with the red crack on her forehead
'Can someone tell me why the hell an emergency meeting was called by this time of the night' Kayla, queen of Brideless Coven said in frustration. Aoife, Karin's mother who is also Dale's wife stood in front of the nine members of the Elite, Meryl was absent because she needed to present for the mermaids metamorphosis ceremony in the ocean. The Elite sat in form of a semi circle in front of Aoife, she examined their faces, they looked annoyed, frustrated, angry, ready to kill her if her information isn't valuable. She recalled her conversation with her husband.********'Sweetheart, you got any news about the new generation?' Dale said as he climbed into the bed. 'No progress but Karin and Shannon made progress' Aoife answered'How so?' 'Shannon helped in bringing one of the twins memories back and Karin has found someone that leads to the fulfillment of his Prophesy' She explained'The prophesy sounds like a folktale, Do you believe it' Dale asked his wife 'It doesn't matter if it'
Karin's messages
The glass Asher was holding shattered the same way his heart shattered, other students turned to him even the Hogwarts students looked down. 'Are you alright' Cian asked worriedly'Yeah, I'm alright, I just felt light-headed for a moment' Asher lied. He saw Tyler on a table across theirs, their eyes met for a while before Tyler turned to Cian and smiled at him, Cian returned the gesture making Asher more furious than he presently was. He clenched his fist that was bleeding from the shards of glass that torn his palm. 'Asher' Someone called but his mind was too occupied until he felt a light tap on his shoulder. Everyone on the table turn to Fergus who was standing behind Asher with his hand resting on his shoulder, at the same time Cian noticed Asher unclenching his fist revealing his blood. 'Hi' Fergus said quietly, he was previously sitting behind their table, ignoring their conversations until the glass shattered. He has been watching Asher's reactions whenever Cian was close by
I'm not gay
'Cian!' the heard a familiar female voice call, they turned to the direction of The voice, it will still in a distance from them bet their voices were damn loud. 'Cian!' he had the same familiar female voice call his name, he squirted his eyes to see the two familiar girls wearing black coats and a yellow and maroon scarf wrapped around their necks, Juliet and Anna? Juliet and Anna stop running because it was too slow they decided to fly instead 'who are they?' Kyle said, having no clue who were the girls that are presently standing in front of them.'my annoying cousin, Juliet end the less cute one, Anna' Clint introduced, Juliet glared at him before turning to Sean wait an innocent smile on her face and Anna gave a cute wave before moving to Cian side, sticking to him like a glue.'I told you my friends are off limits' Clint shunned Juliet 'I never told you I did listen to your glimpsy rule' Juliet said to him and they started brickering.'are you sure she is after your friends
Hellhound Masters II
After Hellhound revealed itself for the first time when Astra was five, the nuns came to a conclusion that it was dangerous having her around other children, she was a danger to them but she was only a child. Astra was put in the foster system, moving from home to homes, good and bad ones. All she ever wanted was to feel accepted, she learnt how to smile to everyone even when they weren't comfortable having her around. Her smiles made foster parents accept her into their home but when she starts to grow attached, Hellhound finds a way to reveal itself and the next thing she knows, she is infront of another foster parents waiting to be accepted. On a normal day, Astra is a cheerful bubbling girl, she tried making friends but she was always left out. She smiled and consoled herself everytime she cried in the bathroom after school. She thought everything would change after a rich couple adopted her. The couple couldn't have a child anymore and they wanted their daughter to have a sibl
Hellhound Masters I
'I think that's the girl Headmaster Sebastian wants' Raymond said to Sean, they were in the empty room where Kyle laid still sleeping. 'He called her Astra' Sean said in agreement. 'She's the reason we are here, now we've found her we got to bring her with us' Raymond said'Let's take her right now and go home, it's been a long day and this humans keep getting on my nerves' 'We can't take her against her will, we don't know what she is or what she can do neither why headmaster Sebastian wanted her' Raymond tried to reason with Sean'Do whatever you want, my worries are on Kyle, he isn't waking up' Sean said, turning to Kyle, removing some strands of hair from his face. 'Stop being paranoid, he just sleeping beside it's night, I'm going to check on Karin and Astra' Raymond said, leaving the room and heading to the hospital cafeteria. The hospital cafeteria was almost empty since it was pass dinner. Raymond saw Karin and Astra sitting in a secluded spot but they still got stares f