
'Stop looking at me like that, I don't look pitiable, I'm heading to bed' Cian said and went off to his room. While Cian was changing out of his school uniform, there was a knock on his door.

'Cian, it's me Asher' A monotonous voice was heard from behind the door.

Cian had changed out of his uniform and only had pants on, he didn't bother to put on a shirt before opening the door. The sight of Cian's bare chest wasn't something Asher expected, maybe he did expect it but not this early.

'Come in' Cian said knocking Asher out of his trance, Asher moved his eyes everywhere except from the magnificent figure standing in front of him.

Asher stepped into the bedroom and sat on the couch while Cian search his wardrobe for a comfortable shirt, he finally wore a white long sleeve cotton shirt which had flowers printed on it.

'So?' Cian asked cluelessly, not knowing how to start a conversation with Asher, Asher had been staring at Cian's back while Cian searched for a shirt in his wardrobe.
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