Liam Lost The Fight?

A fight would happen soon and it was Liam against almost thirty armed men. But with the guns in their hands, Liam wondered if there would be a fight at all or if they would fire at him before an actual fight would break out.

"Deal with this idiot," Chorro ordered and the men yelled in response but before anything could happen, Liam spoke up,

"You do realize that killing me means killing your children, right? Then your legacy would become useless if you have no son to inherit them, you would age and die and leave everything you ever had on this earth for strangers to take. Do you want strangers to reap what you sow when you are gone? Keep me alive and I'll give you the antidote to save your children as long as you meet my demand," Liam said, hoping Chorro would reconsider his decision.

"Do you also realize that I can as well find the antidote somewhere else? I'm sure there are doctors who can make them for me at a cheaper rate," Chorro responded, not giving up.

"And do you also realize
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