Would Be Left Alone.

At first, the people panicked and screamed upon hearing the gunshots, but they soon quietened down when they heard the third shot. But the issue was, they had no idea as to who was being shot or who was doing the shooting which scared them the more, and without being told, they all wordlessly walked back into the ring room for protection against what might happen next.

The hallway soon turned empty and quiet as everyone had walked into the ring room and the last person shut the door behind him, leaving only Gianna alone inside the hallway.

Curious, Gianna walked towards the door that led to the party room where the fight was currently happening and she opened the door slightly to take a peek and the sight she was met with had her gasping and almost immediately, another gunshot was heard.

The fight had now escalated to the point where one of Kalel's men where shooting at Chorro's men while the others alongside Liam and Kalel fought with bare hands. It had turned brutal but the gunshots
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