
"Excuse me?" Aiden turned back with a puzzled expression trying to figure out who the person is and why that kind of question.

"Tsch..." The stranger clicked his tongue and glared at Aiden.

Killing intent was written all over his face and Aiden couldn't understand why. Why a strange will suddenly walk up to him and want to kill him.

While still amid that thought, the stranger dashed towards Aiden, pulling out a knife from his pocket.

[Danger detected]

[Emergency quest generated]

> Protect yourself from strangers and find out why they want you dead.

> Quest reward: +5 blue cards

> Quest failure: Possibly death.


[You are using the skill 'Humongous']

Aiden collided with the guy and punch him in the face, at the same time the knife grazed him. The boy was thrown away by the impact of Aiden's punch, he tumbled on the floor, rolling away but soon came to a stop.

Aiden immediately went to him and grabbed the collar of his chest.

[You are using skill 'Straight Jab']

Pow pow pow
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