Hope's adventure.
Hope's adventure.
Author: pete greg
Chapter 1.

In united kingdom lies a state called England, populated with English, Welsh and Scottish business men and women. In England lives a young and intelligent lad called Allen Hope, who lives in the mountains with his family, who lost his father years ago now becomes the bread winner of his family.

He works for a man who he helps to sell charcoal.

‘ hey make it snappy, I don't have much time ’, Hope boss said to him.

Hope walks up to him, he was tall and fair in complexion, he replied his boss.

‘ am coming just give me a minute ’, in a light tone.

As he was about turning his back, his boss held him and said to him.

‘ we don't have much time, you need to supply the coal before it becomes winter season ’, in a soft tone.

Allen hope replied his boss.

‘ ok, and i promise that I won't take much time ’, in a low tone.

As he walks through the door, his boss said to him again.

‘ make sure you take the day off tomorrow ’.

A wide smile emerged from his face.

‘ I will sir ’, he replied his boss before walking out on him.


A black horse ran through a broken branch, it grazing sends sand up into the air, on top of the horse was Hope, he was looking stunning as the horse gallops through the forest.

Suddenly he arrives at a house where he jumps down from his horse and knocks on a door.

‘ knock, knock ’, his clenched fists softly collides with the iron door.

‘ I am coming just a minute ’, the man said to him.

But he kept knocking till the man aggressively pulls the door and said again.

‘ have you gone deaf, I said am coming ’, in an aggressive tone.

It was at that moment he sights a human figure by the door. To his surprise it was Hope.

He smiles and said to him.

‘ well, well, if it isn't my old friend ’, in a happy tone.

‘ my boss said I should give you this before winter hits us again ’, Hope said to him while standing outside of his house.

The man looks at him from head to toe before he replied him.

‘ come in before it gets dark ’, in a soft tone while opening his door for him to come in.

‘ am sorry but I don't have much time sir, I have to leave for Lincoln today ’,he replied the man in a low tone while staring at the arising.

But the man insisted saying.

‘ just come in before it becomes late ’, in a soft tone.

Hope walks into the house.


It was dark and the cold wind of winter goes in through their faces, the man was busy adding coal to the fire while Hope sits close to it to keep himself warm, the man walks up to him with a cup of tea.

The man said to him.

‘ take this, it will keep you warm before you rest for morning ’, in a light tone accompanied with a smile on his face.

Allen takes the cup from him and replied him with a joyful tone and a wide smile on his face.

‘ thanks alot, like you knew I was cold ’.

Hope sips from the cup, as soon as he was done, he rose up and walks towards the door to take his leave but he was intruded by the man saying.

‘ hey, stop right there, I can't just let you go out like that, you have to take your rest before something bad happens to you, I won't be able to forgive myself ’, in a serious tone accompanied with it's look.

But Hope resists him and walks up to the door, about to open it he saw some blur, it was dark for him to identify the figures.

‘ gallops ’, they gallops on horses and rides through the environment, each were armed and dressed on a traditional cloak accompanied with unsheathe swords.

In fear Hope moves back and slowly locked the door behind him.

‘ who are they ’, he said to the man in a cold tone accompanied with fear written all over his face.

‘ they are hunters ’, he replied Hope.

As the galloping sounds disrupted their conversation, causing an indoor earthquake.

‘ what are they hunting ’, Allen replied him.

He kept quiet for a while, staring through his window, he could slowly see them vanishing from a distance, the tale he was about to tell will cripple you in fear, Hope shievers in fear while clenching his teeths against each other, the surrounding became dramatic and sadistic when he replied him.

‘ demons, they are hunting for demons ’, in a bold tone with fear written all over his appearance from the dark.

‘ demons ’, Hope replied him while staring at him.


‘ I don't understand you, I have not seen this kind of people before in my life not even to hear that they are hunters ’, Hope replied him in a deep tone.

The man laughs mischievously and smirks at him.

‘ demons exist, but they are not spiritual but are like us humans but are given supernatural abilities that even humans can't explain ’, the man replied him in a soft tone.

Hope smiles at him and turns his back view against him.

‘ I don't believe a thing you say, but I do believe that demons are invisible because they are spirits and not human, you are trying to convince me that the demons you are talking about are like us, humans ’, Hope replied him.

Hope went on saying.

‘ you have to keep it together before you lose it ’, in a soft tone.

As the man noticed that he does not believe a word he is saying, he then highlighted him on their way of life.

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