Chapter 6
last update2022-11-24 14:55:05

There is always a time for everything to get saturated. Everybody has their elastic limit. Once people get stretched beyond their elastic limits, it becomes very difficult for them to stay calm; it becomes very difficult for them to continue staying in the low state they had long allowed themselves to be subjected to. Finally, my soul shouted, ''ENOUGH! STOP IT'!'' She threw fear off her shoulders. This fear had long been one of the biggest hindrances that held her down for too long to make any move. Because of this fear, she continued to remain at the very low state where she was subjected and allowed herself to continue accepting all those unpleasant words they had been throwing at her. At some point, it became the time for her to make the most crucial decision of her life. It was either for her to continue remaining at her low state or for her to accept to make a move. It wasn't an easy something for her. She had been in her low state for too long that she had even started mistaking fear for comfort; she had started mistaking her state of being afraid for being comfortable. She had to differentiate between the two; she had to ask herself questions which she had to answer very honestly. The questions were if she was comfortable with the state she had been relegated to? And, if she was afraid to move out from the state to which she had been relegated? She would have to choose just one answer; just one answer would go a great length to determine the choice which she had decided to make for her life. She had to be very sincere in choosing her answer; she would have to choose an answer that reflects through the state of her mind. After properly checking herself, she found out that she remained in the state to where she was relegated because she was afraid, not because she was comfortable. Fear had been the biggest weapon that had been fighting against her. She decided that she had enough. She had to do something about this fear. She had to stop being a slave to her fear. She used to be ruled by this fear, but now, she made up her mind, threw the fear off her shoulder, and began to chuck the words back outside. Word after word, until she finally held up the last one that said WORTHLESS. This word had been one of the ones that had caused a lot of havoc in her life; it had been one of those words that had brought her down to the lowest state where she had felt the worst about herself. She held this word up, and in the other hand, she held a flame. This flame burned brightly. This flame is called perseverance. She had come to that this flame is one of the most important things she needs to be able to conquer whatever difficulty that she gets faced with.

She lit that word up. She chucked it outside and watched that pile burn. She then grabbed the door that had been long opened, that same door from which a lot of garbage had been thrown in over an extended period of time; she grabbed the door and slammed it shut. She knew that if she left this door just the way she had shut it, there were possibilities that it could open again, probably by wind or something else. She grabbed a hammer and nails and nailed the door, which she had shut. She wasn't satisfied with just the nail; she grabbed bricks and stacked them up tall and wide. She then grabbed an iron slab and positioned them at the door to ensure that nothing ever got out or in from that door again. She then turned around and saw the other door. She went to grab the handle but stopped.

''What is behind the door?'' She asked herself. She felt a tugging on her pant leg and looked down; it was fear. This same fear that had done more harm than good to her, this same fear that denied her so many things which she ought to have achieved in her life. It was the same fear that used to be bigger than her, is now the size of a teacup poodle. It was trying to give her the purple dog eyes, saying, '' No! Don't touch that door! Don't do it.'' I ignored that fear and threw that door open.

Some of the things some people go through as obstacles are really very small, but because they are afraid, these things appear as if they are big in certain ways. What fear does is that it goes ahead of you and magnifies something that is really very small and makes it look very big before you. It could be something that is just the size of an ant; fear would just go ahead of you and magnify it and make it appear the size of an elephant. The fact that it had appeared in the size of an elephant doesn't make it to be as large as the size of an elephant; the truth is that it is still as small as an ant; you will only get to know the real size when you decide to engage that fear in combat and then conquer it. Only then will you be able to realize that that very fear you had always vowed to take the liking of an elephant was actually in the liking of an ant. This was what I got to find out after I had conquered my fear. After conquering my fear, I found out that my fear was so little that it would be very stupid to even give in to it. So, even as she ignored and threw the fear and threw that door open, an avalanche of love and commitment came crashing down on her.

Some feelings define life; they are feelings that add meaning to life; without them, life is worthless. One of these feelings is love. What is life without love? Love is the only binding force that brings about oneness irrespective of the differences that exist in different people. Humans are known to be beings with many individual differences and preferences. What this person wants is so different from what the other person wants, and even when these two people want the same thing, we get to discover that they do not want this same thing around the same time. There is always some degree of individual differences whenever humans gather together; as a result of these individual differences, people ought to be torn apart, people ought to be doing things differently, but it doesn't get to be so because there is always this strong connecting force that ends up binding them together. This is love. Love makes right what is not right. The fact that love makes right what is not right doesn't mean that what had been made right is entirely right; love fosters understanding, and with understanding, we get to understand people the way they are. We get to understand that these people are not us, and they can never be us, just as we are not them and can never be them. We get to respect their individual differences just as they get to respect ours; this goes a long way to ensure peaceful co-existence. But love on its own doesn't work without commitment.

Whenever there is love, there is some degree of dedication which is known as commitment. Love and commitment can be liking a plant and water. While love is like a plant, commitment takes the place of water. Commitment waters love and ensure that love continues growing or continues existing. When there is commitment, people get to feel the effect and efficacy of being in love; people get to feel the impulse and impact of being in love. Love without commitment often leaves a party in love suffering. It often appears one-sided, and when love becomes one-sided, the need for love becomes grossly defeated; the love itself goes a long way to become a burden to those harboring it.

When she threw that door open, an avalanche of love and commitment came crashing down on her. Don't worry; they didn't hurt her; they felt like cotton balls. She jumped right in the middle and rolled around in them, laying on the floor with all the love and commitment pilling on top of her; she felt herself being lifted and carried out the door. She finds on the other side the most beautiful sides ever.

The other side is beautiful, the other side is very great, but you will only be able to get to that side if you are able to conquer all the limitations that are militating against you on this very side that you are still struggling with. Life is stage by stage. You can only get to another stage after you have been able to conquer the very stage you are in. It doesn't matter how long it takes you to be able to conquer this stage; for some, it might take months, for some a year, and for others, years. No matter how long it takes you, it still doesn't change the fact that you must conquer the very level you are in before you can get to the next level. People who fail to conquer the level they are in will remain at that level for as long as they fail to conquer it. Each level you are in, there are bound to be limitations that would hinder you from getting to the next level. These limitations could come in diverse ways; the main problem that would most likely prevent you from crushing these limitations is fear. Fear is a big killer; if you can crush fear, you can also be able to face whatever limitations that would try to stand in your way, irrespective of how big or small they are. No limitation is too big or too small. What appears to be too big for you might be too small for someone else, and what appears to be too small for you might be too big for someone else. However big or small, a limitation appears to be often linked to the degree of fear people have towards facing that very limitation. You have to crush fear completely, then that limitation that you see as impossible will appear possible; that limitation that had always appeared to take the liking of a giant would start looking like a dwarf.

She finds on the other side the most beautiful sight ever. The colors look so much brighter. She sees all kinds of flowers and trees. Everything she has ever loved is welcoming her back. Of course, after rain comes to shine. People who had been working at a particular time in their lives end up reaping at another particular time in their life. Most of the pains people go through today in their lives are to prepare for the happiness they will have at another time in their lives. It all depends on whether these people are working in pain or whether they are staying idle in pain. There is a great difference between working in pain and staying idle in pain. When one is working in pain, one is struggling to win against all those things standing before them and causing them pain; they are working to better their life and chase the pain out of their life as soon as possible. The other people who are middle in pain end up being comfortable with their pain; the implication is that they might remain with their pain for over a very long time without improving towards getting off that pain they had been subjected to. These are the people that would have so many things going wrong in their lives. Yet, they will feel comfortable with it, they will have their life moving in the wrong direction, but they will just be relaxed with it and never make any move towards doing anything about it. These people had been able to build their comfort zone around their pains. They have gotten so used to their pain that they have started seeing it as a normal way of living; they have grown so weak that they don't even see the need to work and get ahead of whatever pain that had been sinking them at a particular spot. People like this are people that would remain in a particularly low state for over a very long period; these people might even end up spending all of their lives in this particular low state without seeing any need to make any effort towards elevating themselves out of this very low state that they had been subjected to.

Standing just a few feet in front of her are people. They are the ones that were sending the love she had the door shut on—the people standing before her were her family and friends. But were they the only people she was receiving love from? Oh, no. She is also receiving love from the heavens above. She is receiving love from her ancestors and even her animals that have passed on. But does she see the one that just recently passed on...No why are they not there? They were my biggest supporter; why are they not there. Till she looked to her right and saw’s them standing right next to her. And do you know what they said? Well, listen because your loved ones could be saying the same thing to you. “I have been standing where you are now. I lost the ones I loved before we met. I have to learn what you are learning now. Before you came, I was following what I lost. Then you came into my life and helped remind me that you and I are still here. So I learned to live my life with new love and share memories with you. And that the ones that have passed are now my spiritual guide that is always there is a new form, a spiritual form. Which is what I am doing for you now. I will now be your supporter, still just in a spiritual form which is another way I can support you now. Now it's time for you to do the same as I did before. To live with the ones who are still alive with you and know that those who have passed are still guiding you.” Then God came and lifted her loved one in his hands and said, “Don’t worry, they are safe in my hands like all their loved ones before they are safe as well. They will be ok watching over you. And when you see them again, you all will be in my hands as well to tell life stories that you all learn. Now please show what you have learned and continue knowing everyone with you spiritually and physically that you are loved and continue by showing those in pain the path to healing like you have learned.” She is also receiving love from God. As a person who didn’t believe in him, she still receives love from God. He is hoping that she will believe in him once again. She finally accepts love from him. But is that all the love she is given? No, there is more. She sees love over the hills before her. She has not received them yet, because it is the love of the people in the future she is going to meet. People of the future are willing to give their love only if she continues on her path and stays in this place of love and faith.

While that is going on the inside, then what’s going on the outside? The sun is rising, and the fog is clearing, revealing a pathway out of the pit. This path is called success. But on this pathway, there are obstacles. Obstacles that look hard, obstacles that look like we may never make it, and small holes that we could step in would send us back to the room full of fear and doubt. What am I going to do? Should I stay in this room as I have for many years? To be abused again? To stay in this hole of dread and sorrow? NO! I am taking that path.

I make a company that makes me hundreds; it came crashing down. I began to feel dread again. I looked into myself and saw that fear gotten big again. Fear is dragging my soul back to the iron slab to thrust it open. “NO, STOP! Don't you dare do that to my spirit? I will not be your victim anymore. I will now be my hero. God has saved me. Just you wait and see.” I start another company that makes millions. I accomplish goals, conquer my fears, and achieve my dreams. I am helping people all around me with what I can do and know. After years of doing this, I can finally do something I have never done before. I can look in the mirror and gaze at this lovely woman. This woman had eyes that sparkled in confidence, bravery, and love.

I can now do the 4 counts down message. That I hope you all carry with you. 4. 3. 2. 1.

4. I Am So Proud! Do you hear the four words I can tell myself? These are the words people would say for years, but now I can say them to myself! God, what a feeling.

3. I Love You. The three words I never had ever told my spirit. The three words I would hear from others but had a door shut them out. But now I can say them to myself. I notice a tear and a beautiful smile on my face in the mirror.

2. Thank You. I have been waiting for years to get the love and praise from myself finally. I gave myself a thumbs up and finally can say the final message.

1. Success!

Now, my fellow readers, it’s your turn to make your Success.

Age – teenagers

Messages for visual learners

2. Pick one age

3. Pick one person to write to – a level of intimacy

4. Choose either one point of view or illustrate the soul separate from the body and then brought

back together.

5. Choose either past tense or present

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