Go 2

Golden shining eyes open to see the recent world turn a bright blue like the first. His eyes scanned the sea of red worlds, and sets them on a rather normal one.

"I remember that one quite clearly." His voice was soothing but the words and his emotionless face made the world look as if it wasn't worthy for him to remember it.

His mind went off to a memory, where he had been captive most of the time. He wasn't even part of the story, his death was only to have both female and male leads fall deeper for each other and then end with them getting married.

He sneered at the memory.

"That one, let's go." And with that his body was jolted towards the world which he had been continuously wronged.

Opening his eyes he saw himself, as he suspected, in another body. As far as he figured, all the worlds that he has been in he has switched the roles of the characters that he had first took over.

The information was as usual; this world was normal like any other so far, in this one though crime rat
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