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With a sigh as he opened his golden eyes to the color changing world, he turned them towards the sticky soul. It somehow grew bigger than before.

[Master, I have yet to inform you of the additional souls.] The system's floating hexagon form moved as it spoke.

"... What additional souls?" The beauty said as he turned a sharp gaze towards the system.

[It seems that in your last world, while in the body of Karim, the childrens' soul had also joined us after their own natural deaths.] The system explained.

"What did you do to them?" He spoke with a voice that held hidden anxiousness.

[I had placed them in a temporary space, making sure they don't move to another world. I was waiting until the proper opportunity to speak to master about it.]

"you should have told me sooner, show them to me." He ordered.

[. . .]

A small soft and glowing orange space opened up to let out five floating small souls. At the reveal, the sticky soul had quickly went to their side and seem to float around them ge
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