Even though the Uprisers were using some sort of signal jamming device in the Jurisdiction district, only the signals leaving the district were the ones being jammed, meanwhile, those circulating within the district were free reign just like the network the kids were using to communicate with one another. Also, in order to stay unaffected, the signal jamming only affected signals aside from the special encrypted one which the uprisers were using to communicate with one another or else they would impede themselves if that wasn't the case.

Over from outside the window, marching steps of Uprisers down below could be heard as they were making their way to the area on the ground floor directly below the window after seeing Adam break through it and knowing that his hope of being able to go back out through the window, evade and outrun the Uprisers down below with their live rounds and pill ammunition while the bionic soldiers would soon be on his tail was getting slimmer the
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