From her experience going against the Uprisers she did when she rescued the Hunters on her way to the High Court and then to the Court House when she fought all those Uprisers, Angel knew what their pill guns and what their actual live round guns looked like and the distinct differences between the two of them so just from seeing the Uprisers on their tail wielding the pill guns at first she knew that there wasn't going to be much damage.

However, now that things had changed and looking out the window she was seeing them welding the live round guns she knew that there was no other choice than for her to take this seriously in how she's to react so she went over it, internally, all the ways she could stop their pursuit.

She looked at her hand and the only Impact glove that she had on at the time had been completely spent with not a single shred of energy left in it to work against any of the Uprisers and that limited her options if she wanted to deal with them without u

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