"""!!""" The other trainees were left speechless as they all shared surprised stares which were aimed at no one else other than the Emerged girl with blonde highlights, Angel, who had been the one to have made the earlier suggestion of them being allowed into the field in the first place. 

The utterance was so out of left field that even Lucille was taken aback by the extreme manner the spontaneous nature of the girl beside her had gotten. Jewel, Samuel and Nathaniel were also shocked to hear what she said but out of everyone who reacted, Nathaniel was the only one who kept his composure and poker face.

"Angel?" Lucille mumbled with a questioning expression. "What are you saying?" 

All the trainees had figured out that they weren't being allowed to take part in the war and defend the nation on purpose and although trainees like Ryder had wanted to fight against it, it was inevitable that nothing he did would bare any fruitful results. On
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