"You guys really took this place over" Boyo commented under a breath as a walloping military tank drove in front of him and parked at the left side, then from it jumped out two Uprisers, one from on top and the other from the driver's seat.

"Of course we did. Now, it's time to meet up with the commander" Jeremiah patted Boyo on the shoulder and the both of them went down the stairs until they made it into one of the trucks that the uprisers drove to the courthouse with and then they started driving towards somewhere in the district.

While the truck drove backwards to make a reverse left turn and then when at the right spot drive right to the next street, because they were at the end of a T junction, Boyo who was at the back passenger seat while Jeremiah was the front passenger seat looked through the side mirrors. Through it he peered at the courthouse and all the preparations the Uprisers there were making.

"Rocket launchers... We really did come
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