The second bench hit the locker, pushing it back hard enough that it cracked into the wall and then the bench landed on the first, completely holding the locker in place and preventing the Uprisers at the other side from getting through, even with thier combined strength.

"Even I wouldn't be able to through that but you are allowed to try if you want" he smirked, then was finally enveloped in foam until it hardened around him.

The Uprisers inside the building, which were only four, as the others who overtook the building with them had been the ones outside and are currently trying to get in, were still heading down the stairs and had made it to the first floor when they heard the loud crashing noise of the second bench falling on top the first. Being cautious, they slowed down their pace and became more observing of where they were heading to, giving this trainee time while the foam hardened.

This trainee started ventilat
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