"We're done Sir" said the Uprisers who had been sent out and into the apartment to do the shooting, to the Upriser Lieutenant.

"Good" he said then turned to Paul and the others who were all trapped "Unfortunately a few of you hunters who aren't here or weren't at the conference Hall had already gone home to different blocks but don't worry, we've already sent a handful of squads to where they are and they should have been overrun by now and all we have to do is wait for he signal" 

He said and then a call came through, instructing him and the others there with him about someone wearing a trainee uniform and how everyone should stay clear of said individuals. Knowing exactly who and what type of people this new instruction was referring to this Upriser lieutenant accepted.

"So they're already in the field" 

"Who is?" Xander asked the Upriser Lieutenant.

"The powered humans you've heard so little about. We've manage
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