"What's wrong with you?..." 

Nathaniel, Jewel, Samuel, Lucille and Adam were all walking some reason unconventional routes to the location where Ryder and the others were waiting for them. Adam who was taking the lead even though they all had to stay within a very close proximity of Nathaniel would have a cautious look on his face as he tried to watch out for the presence of any Upriser close by.

"If one of the bionic suited soldiers were to appear here and they decide to attack, I'm not sure this kid will be able to keep his concentration on those drones during something like that and we'll be left out in the open to weapons we can't even see" Adam mumbled to himself while taking his hearing to their maximum, trying to pick up if there were any Upriser presence close by.

'But thinking about it it's kind of strange that with as many as they seemed we've been able to get this far without coming in contact with any. Could it be that where I
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