"Common senior, I'm trying here..." Daniel, feigning the posture of feeling dejected threw his arms down, carrying his body along in the sluggish motion and making sure that his face was out of view from Michael, however, still slightly visible to the trainees behind who had the eyesight sufficient enough to capture the smirk he had on. However, they wondered what was going on.

"Or would you prefer it if I was to call you Junior? Huh Valestein Junior?" Daniel raised his body back up.

"What are you doing here Daniel?" Michael asked, remaining unfazed and sounding apathetic towards the silver hair man.

"SCOFF... You're no fun at all Senior... Well, whatever—"

"Why are you here Da—?"

"Yeah yeah, fine. I heard you the first time, gosh!! No need trying to make my ears bleed with your insistent questioning and that ANNOYING robotic voice of your have going on... Speaking of robotic voices, I thought they would have gone about fixing that i
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