Inside the West Monument Bank, after the gunmen assailants had dragged out the security personnels to join the other hostages and had then shot all of them in the head, the kids who were in an excursion all screamed at the top of their lungs while their teacher and the bank worker who was taking them on the tour as their tour guide tried to get them to calm down. Fortunately, the students were in highschool so they had sense enough to know what bad timing is and this definitely was the worse time to be acting out.

"You didn't have to kill them so quickly..." Said the young driver with his fingers in his ears "You could have taken them somewhere else or at least informed me before you did it and I would had gone somewhere else myself or closed my ears before the first gunshot or at least I would have told you to use a knife or maybe I would have killed them myself, silently" he frowned at the gunman who killed the security personnels and it was actually a women, the same on
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