The door to a certain bedroom inside the GHA Academic Training Facility slid open and through it came walking Daniel who had an engraved silver box in his hand while the other was casuallly tucked inside his pants pocket. 

"Scoff... What in the world could Mr Valestein have a need for me to use something like this for? Whatever it is my skills and abilities can very much do more damage than when I use this and he knows this so why? What's the motive behind the request?" Entering into the room, he mumbled, then sighed before tossing the box on the bed after scrutinizing the aesthetics then laid on the floor next to the bed because he found the floor to be more comfortable to rest on than the actual bed itself.

"I was talking to you when I casually asked that, incade you couldn't code that. What? Not in the mood to tell me what the answer is to the question?" Daniel asked, speaking to himself and rubbing his head expecting to get a response
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