Looming over the Metro City's High courthouse were a handful of Stealth drones, making sure to keep close watch of the perimeter and by so doing keeping the Uprisers on the scene aware of any potential threats that might be approaching. They're also meant to stop anything from getting close enough to then be considered a threat to the Uprisers

Once in a while, one of the uprisers who had access to the footage from the stealth drones would check on his display screen and see what they were seeing. Every form of view they had was available to him and unknown to every Upriser there, a threat which couldn't even be sensed, let alone captured by the Stealth drones for this Upriser to see because of how fast it was moving was headed directly for them and was already on a straight road, leading directly to the courthouse.

"Gotta keep moving faster than the drones can notice me, just like what Nate said" Angel who had the courthouse in sight already and was in hype
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